Page 47 of Reclaimed for His Royal Bed
‘Emma...’ It was a warning.
‘It’s okay to be angry at her, Alexander. You’re entitled to your feelings. But don’t let that woman rule your life...destroy any happiness you could have in the future.’
Finally, those fingers stilled. He opened his mouth, but Emma cut him off before he could say anything unkind. She knew it would just be a defence mechanism. ‘I’m not saying that happiness should be with me, or that you should find it any time soon. I’m just saying don’t let her take away more from you than she already has. You’re amazing, Alexander. You deserve more.’
She lifted her lips to his and kissed him. Kissed him until there was only heat scorching them. Until she felt weightless. Until the chill left his eyes. Until neither of them could breathe.
Alex rolled them over, lifted his head, and bathed her in that crooked smile that stopped her heart.
THEFIRSTDAYback at work was torture. Emma could barely concentrate. London was still fresh in her mind. All she wanted was to be back there, in that apartment above the river. What they’d shared had been pure pleasure, and even her family’s ire at her leaving for two weeks couldn’t dampen her spirits. But it could make the day unbearably long.
Sitting in her office, Emma was taking a moment to gather her thoughts when there was a knock on the door.
‘Fiona,’ she said, getting to her feet, pleased that the morning had gone by. ‘Please, take a seat.’
‘Busy day?’ Fiona asked as she sat down, elegantly crossing her legs.
‘Like you wouldn’t believe.’ Emma looked at the closed glass door and the minimal privacy it provided. Everyone could see in, which meant her family would easily find out about Fiona’s visit. ‘Would you like to move to one of our meeting rooms?’
‘Oh, there’s no need. I’ll be quick.’
Emma sat back in her chair. Butterflies had been unleashed in her stomach. Years of charity work had come to this point. She knew what Fiona wanted to talk about. Her small charity was finally going to soar as she’d always wanted it to. Excitement and trepidation in equal measure coursed through her.
‘Everything is on track with the merger?’ she asked.
‘Yes, but that’s not why I’m here.’
The serious look on Fiona’s face had Emma’s stomach plummeting. Had something gone wrong? Had her family interfered in some way? Did Fiona want the charity but not her? It wouldn’t be the first time she hadn’t been good enough, but she had done a great job so far. At least she thought so.
In the time it took Fiona to pull out a document from her bag, Emma considered every possibility that could have gone wrong. When Fiona slid the papers over, Emma had to make a gargantuan effort to keep from shaking.
‘Relax, Emma,’ Fiona said, clearly sensing her worry. ‘Just take a moment to read this.’
Emma gave her a wary look but picked up the document. She read the top of the page and almost dropped it. Her eyes snapped to meet Fiona’s.
‘I’m not here for the charity, Emma. I’m here for you.’
The wordsOffer of Employmentstared at her. Three times. She read it three times but still couldn’t believe it. This was her dream.
‘I thought you wanted to keep me on as a volunteer,’ Emma finally managed to get out.
‘I do. But you’re too valuable an asset for me to overlook, Emma. You would be coming into a management role with us. I understand if this comes as a shock. After all, you do have other options.’ Fiona looked around the small office. ‘But, to be frank, I think you’re wasted here.’
Emma scanned each line of the offer, falling more and more in love with the role.‘Do what makes you happy.’That was what Alex had said. Heaven knew she wanted to. But, having been told over and over again since she was young what was expected of her, Emma didn’t know how to do that when she was supposed to be here. In this tiny office. Until she was called upon.
‘You don’t have to decide immediately. Give it a day, think it over and then call me.’ Fiona leaned forward in her chair, taking Emma’s hand. ‘There are many successful careers with us, Emma. I think this would only be the beginning for you.’ Fiona stood and Emma followed her to the door. ‘I really hope you say yes.’
‘Thank you, Fiona.’
That was all Emma could manage. She watched her leave, then shut the door and dropped into her chair, reading through the offer again. This was what she had always wanted. Possibilities of a very different future ran through her mind then. Each one of them so much brighter than the path she was currently on.
She let herself imagine what it would be like. Not to have to be here every day. Not to feel like the spare daughter who wasn’t wanted or needed. In front of her now was the opportunity to do something special. Words she wouldn’t ever use to describe her job at Brown Hughs. Right now she was waiting. Waiting to be needed. Waiting for her life to start.
Emma wanted to make a difference. She knew she could do it. The only thing holding her back from immediately saying yes was her family. And, while she knew they wouldn’t support her, she felt she owed them a chance to discuss her future. Or at the very least an explanation of why she wanted to leave.
The bravery to follow her dreams was what she needed now. Looking back on the past few weeks, she realised she had been braver than ever before. Exploring her sensuality with Alex, allowing him to see how her family affected her instead of always shoving the feelings away, letting him comfort her, flying to London to be with him. All those things had taken bravery.