Page 4 of Reclaimed for His Royal Bed
On her way out, Emma caught the murderous look on Lauren’s face and had to stifle an urge to laugh, feeling a crazy level of excitement.
Alex held open the door for her when they got down to the lobby, and they stepped out into the night air. Holding Emma’s hand in his, he approached the valet and in no time at all a luxury black sedan pulled up in front of them. One of the sponsors for the night was a ride-share company, which had had all the guests driven to the venue. Emma was grateful. It allowed Alex to sit beside her after helping her in.
He gave the driver his address and Emma made to remove her mask. But he stopped her. ‘Keep it on.’
Staring into his eyes, and seeing all the carnal promise they held, she let go of the ribbons keeping it in place. That smile was back as he gave her hand a squeeze and looked out of the window as the city lights flashed by on the way to his Port Melbourne penthouse. It gave her an opportunity to study his features without being seen.
Emma fought an urge to place her lips below his jaw. They were still in public, and she was nothing if not proper.
The car pulled up in front of his building and he held his hand out for her before shutting the door and leading her inside. Her heart thrummed in her chest when the doors to the elevator slid closed. Alex’s arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her against his side, and his lips travelled along her neck. A sigh escaped her, and she felt as much as heard his chuckle.
Adinginterrupted them, making her curse at how fast the elevator had ascended. With a cleared throat, and as much poise as she could muster, Emma followed him into his apartment.
THEWINDWASknocked out of her. He really had been telling the truth. Emma didn’t even notice the rest of the apartment. The floor-to-ceiling windows called to her.
The view was magnificent. She slipped off his jacket, draping it over a large couch she didn’t even look at as she made her way to appreciate it. She could see the silver and gold lights of the ferry alongside the pier, all the way out to sea. Then she realised just howmuchshe could see, and figured the glass panes must wrap all the way around the two-storey apartment.
The ceilings were high, and she could only imagine how much light filled the space during the day. She was surrounded by glass and steel. It was such an immaculately neat, modern space, but still warm and inviting, and for whatever reason, she felt this could not be a more perfect home for Alex.
Emma felt his presence behind her and turned around to see him pull off his black mask, which he placed on the large coffee table.
Seeing his face, she instantly thought none of the pictures she had seen did him a shred of justice. He was undoubtedly the most beautiful man she had ever seen.
Before she’d even registered the pull his eyes had on her he was already standing before her, his hands going to her hair. With a gentle tug on the ribbons, the bow fell away and the silver mask came loose.
‘I wanted to do that all night,’ Alex said.
He placed it beside his, and when he turned back to her a slow, delicious smile curved his mouth.
The thought that it should be criminal to look so good occurred to her. And right then all she wanted to do was to run her fingers along his lips.
Alex watched her gaze travel to his mouth, followed by the soft touch of her fingers. It was heaven. He caught her hand, pressing a kiss to the pads of her fingers before drawing one into his mouth. Her breath left her in a sigh and she closed her eyes, shutting away her blue-grey gaze. He realised he wanted them back on him. He playfully nipped at her finger and her eyes flew open as she tried to pull back. But he gripped her finger between his exposed teeth.
The look on her face was caught somewhere between amusement and arousal, but he was about to tip that balance.
His hand went to her waist, drawing her against his body, while the other travelled up her arm, settling on the nape of her neck. He let her fingers fall from his mouth and instantly her hands were on his chest. Feeling the hard muscle beneath his shirt.
Their gazes caught. A moment passed eternally between them, before he leaned down, brushing his lips over hers and pulling away. But she wouldn’t let him. She closed the space between their bodies, pressing her lips to his, and he instantly tightened his grip around her.
The moment was incendiary. The kiss deep and passionate. His apartment was silent, but they could both hear the thunder of their heartbeats. The air between them was almost crackling with electricity.
And then they were moving.
He pushed her against the wall of glass, pressing his body to hers, entwining his tongue with hers. Setting her aflame. His hand left her waist and travelled up her arm to cradle her face. She kissed him as if he was all the air she needed. He felt her hands run down his body and she tore his shirt out of his trousers, plunging her hands under it, feeling his skin and the ripples of muscle.
His low groan at her touch surprised them both and he slowed his lips. Then pulled away.
The ferocity of what he felt surprised him. Alex had had many conquests in his life, but this was the first that had affected him so strongly from the first touch. He needed to create just a little space.
‘I offered you a drink,’ he said slowly, still holding her in place.
He couldn’t seem to let go. The way the light caught her eyes and made them sparkle was arresting. He reached up and pulled the silver pins from her hair, sending locks of brunette hair tumbling around her shoulders. She was breathtaking.
She smiled coquettishly. ‘I don’t mind skipping that.’
Emma wondered who this person was wearing her skin tonight. She wasn’t normally this brazen. She was a quiet, usually shy copywriter. But this new side of herself made her feel alive.