Page 37 of Reclaimed for His Royal Bed
It was an unbearably long flight and despite arriving in the early hours of the morning, Matt was there to meet him.
He drove straight to the hospital and before he could bring the car to a complete stop, Alex was already getting out. His heart was hammering in his chest, terrified of what he would find.
Practically running, he went up to the private ward. The doctor was waiting, ready to talk to him before he could enter his father’s room.
‘Dr Bernard?’ Alex asked. He hadn’t slept at all on the flight, and it felt as if he was staying awake through sheer will.
She nodded. ‘Mr Hastings,’ she said in greeting.
‘How is my father?’ Though Alex seemed in control, the only tell that he was afraid to hear the answer was the clenched fist at his side.
‘Tired. He’s had what we call a non-ST elevation myocardial infarction—or a mild heart attack. There should be no lasting damage, but he will need a change in diet and lifestyle. A good exercise regime. And he must avoid stress. But all in all I think he will be fine. He will need to take it easy for the next few weeks while he recovers.’
Alex’s shoulders sagged in relief. ‘And his treatment?’
‘I will be prescribing a list of medications. I think he should be out of here in a day or two, but he’ll need to have constant follow-ups with his cardiologist.’
‘He doesn’t have one. Hasn’t needed one before. Since you’ve treated him, I’d like him to be seeing you,’ Alex said, instantly feeling more like himself. ‘And if you give me the prescription, I will have it filled. May I see him now?’
‘You can go ahead—but don’t wake him.’
Alex walked into a room that was beautifully decorated. Had it not been for the medical equipment, it would have rivalled a luxury hotel. He’d expected darkness. For his father to be asleep. But the bedside light was on and he was reading something on his phone. It took a moment for him to notice his son at the door.
‘Alex?’ he said with surprise, putting his phone down.
‘Dad.’ With relief coursing through him, Alex showed more emotion than he ever had in his life. He walked straight to his father and engulfed him in a hug.
‘What are you doing here?’ he asked.
‘Seriously? You gave me a scare!’ Alex seemed to be caught somewhere between anger and hysterical laughter.
Robert Hastings took his son’s hand in his. ‘I’m so happy to see you, but you didn’t need to come all this way.’
‘Of course I did.’ Alex sank into the armchair beside the bed.
‘Did you speak to the doctor?’
‘I did,’ Alex said. ‘And we’ll be making some changes.’
His father rolled his eyes and Alex narrowed his. ‘Don’t give me that look. It’s time you completely stepped back from the company.’
Walking into this room, he’d felt as if he’d let out a breath he had been holding in for nearly a day. Now Alex almost felt light-headed. The moment he’d received the news all he’d been able to think about was how he wasn’t ready to lose his father. His only real family. He had prayed—actually prayed...something he hadn’t ever done—to anyone who might hear him for his father to be okay. Alex would have done anything. And now that he was here changes would be made whether his father approved or not.
‘I don’t want to hear it, Dad. You need to remove all the stress from your life. You’re going to take some time out at the manor. You can come back to London for your follow-ups. And we’re getting someone to help you recover.’
‘You want me to get a nurse?’
‘Alex, I have things to do...’
‘I can take care of all of that.’
The two Hastings men stared each other down, but it was Robert who gave in first. His son’s stubborn streak surpassed even his.
‘Fine. There’s a charity dinner the day after tomorrow. You can start with that.’