Page 11 of Reclaimed for His Royal Bed
Emma’s fingers twitched towards him. She shoved them in the pockets of her jeans to stop herself reaching out. ‘I agree.’
It was a place she had come to often. After a long day battling her family, it felt great just to be a nameless face in the crowd, sipping a cocktail while the sun disappeared behind the tall buildings.
She doubted today would be nearly as relaxing. Having Alex walking beside her, she felt hyper-aware of his presence. Of the space between them and how easy it would be to close it. But she couldn’t. She didn’t even know what she was doing here. Her night of fun had turned into a morning of fun, but at some point they would have to bid each other farewell and go their separate ways.
That was what should happen. But, heaven help her, that was not what she wanted.
Alex let her lead the way to a restaurant she liked. They were soon shown to a table and he sat down opposite her.
‘So, what are we having?’ he asked, picking up the menu.
Emma had no idea. She was struggling to have the words make any sense at all. When the waiter arrived, she randomly picked something and hoped it would at least taste good.
Looking for something to fill the silence in the waiter’s absence, Emma spoke of all the attractions the city had to offer. It sounded like rambling to her own ears, though Alex seemed to be getting caught up in her passion for this city.
She was overjoyed when her phone beeped with a new message.
What do you think you’re doing?! You were supposed to be here hours ago!
Lauren. The smile was wiped off Emma’s face immediately. Hastily she shoved the phone into her back pocket and found Alex’s intense blue gaze on hers. She plastered a bright smile on her face, but he wasn’t fooled.
‘Just my sister,’ she said dismissively.
Alex had been cursing himself for suggesting they come out at all, because all he wanted was to be buried in Emma again—and that was a problem. He’d never had an issue sending a woman on her way after a night together. Yet he was craving Emma like a drug.
And right now he was still curious about the reaction she’d had to her sister at the ball, and again to her message that morning. He felt curiosity and another feeling he realised was a protective instinct. He’d noticed how her shoulders had sagged just a fraction when she’d read that text, and he wanted to put himself between her and whoever wanted to hurt her. Shield this beautiful, passionate woman.
It was an alien feeling that he pushed away with great difficulty, focussing on the curiosity. But Alex wouldn’t ask her about it. As a rule, he never involved himself in the lives of the women he slept with. Never helped with their careers—even if he could. There was a solid line between business and pleasure. And an even thicker one between any kind of pleasure and actual feelings. He would not give them the wrong idea, and the last thing he needed was a relationship.
But what he did want was to enjoy Emma a little more, and if he was going to see this attraction out he needed to know more about her.
Being who he was, Alex was careful. ‘So tell me, Emma, what do you do at Brown Hughs?’ he asked.
Emma’s momentary shock was covered by a small laugh. Of course he knew where she worked. He was rich and powerful. There was probably an entire background check on her already compiled.
‘I’m a copywriter.’ She said the words stiffly.
‘Doesn’t sound like you enjoy it.’
He was far too observant for Emma’s liking.
‘I feel like I can do so much more than I am, but my dad says I’m needed in copywriting so that’s where I’ll be. He’s the boss.’
Unfortunately for Emma, having her father at the head of the table had not helped further her career, as it had for Lauren or Maddison. She could still hear his words, spoken so long ago.‘Everyone tells me you’re intelligent, but I just don’t see it.’
Emma forced the memory away, not wanting it to spoil what was a pretty mind-blowing morning.
‘If you want more, Emma, then take it,’ Alex said.
‘Spoken like a master of the universe. Is that what you’re doing in Melbourne? Taking more?’
And running from ghosts.
He shut the thought down instantly.
He was done with London.
He wasn’t going to think of his mother. Not now.