Page 5 of The Prodigy
Listening to her try to explain away the tentacle porn had me ready to howl with laughter. She's fucking adorable without even trying and gives as good as she gets. I was hooked well before she told me no. The fact that she knows who I am and still told me no only made me that much more determined to win her over. She actually looked horrified at the prospect of going on a date with me. I fucking love it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not thrilled that she doesn't want to date me, and I intend to find out why post haste. I plan to marry her as soon as humanly possible, after all. And I can't do that if she won't even give me a chance. But the fact that she had no qualms about telling me no?
I'm officially obsessed with Scarlett Crawford from Gatsby Books.
"Your tank looks fine to me," Hands says, rising to his feet in one fluid move.
"Why are we even fucking with your bike in the first place?" Giant bitches, cocking a brow at me. "Actually, scratch that. Why arewefucking with your bike while you're drinking water like you just spent eight years in the goddamn desert?"
"The throttle is sticking. I think the cable is getting bound up under the tank."
Giant mutters beneath his breath and bends his head to look at the cable.
"You're drinking tap water," Cash growls, eyes narrowed in suspicion on my cup. "You never drink tap water."
"Can't a motherfucker be thirsty?" I ask.
"For what? Pussy?" Hands retorts, making Giant snicker.
Even Cash laughs.
I flip them all off and take another drink. There's not a chance in hell I'm telling any of them that I switched to tap water just in case there is some truth to all their nonsense about the water in this town. They all swear it's the reason our brothers are getting hitched in record numbers. I tried to tell them it's a simple illusory correlation and nothing more, but shit, I'm beginning to think maybe they're right. Because it's not just the MC. Single men all over town are falling like dominoes.
Either way, I'm hedging my bets. I've got a bookworm to win. I'll drink from every damn faucet in town if it helps me win her over any faster. But I'm not telling these assholes that. They'll never let me live it down. Besides, I have a feeling winning her over will be difficult enough without my brothers all up in my business while I do it.
"You need a new cable," Giant says. "Yours is shot."
"Fuck," I groan.
"You want me to pick one up for you? I've got to swing by the shop and talk to Romero about a custom build anyway," Hands says.
"Another one?" Cash shakes his head. "Samara is going to kick your ass."
"Nah. My wife loves me."
Giant snorts. "Your wife is going to kick your ass."
Hands flips him the bird. "The bike is for her, assholes."
"She's learning to ride?" I ask, surprised. After what happened to her sister, it took Samara a while to warm up to the idea of MCs and our way of life. I think it helps to know that we aren't like most MCs. But unlike some of the women, she's never expressed an interest in learning to ride.
"Fuck no," Hands says, shaking his head. "I don't think she'll ever want to ride solo. But this one is for the two of us. She said mine is too big."
"Bet that's the first time she ever said that," Giant says drily.
Cash and I both laugh.
"You'd be wrong." Hands smirks. "But that's understandable since you haven't seen a vagina since you came out of one." He pats Giant on the shoulder. "It's okay, buddy. Someone will see past that ugly mug to the man beneath one of these days. And if they really love you, they'll accept that the thing between your legs just never caught up to the rest of you."
"Man, fuck you," Giant says, laughing. "You're an asshole."
Hands shrugs unapologetically. "Don't start no shit, won't be no shit, brother."
"Jesus Christ," Cash mutters. "I'm going back inside to my wife." He shoots me an inquisitive look, his brown eyes lingering on my glass. "Good luck with whatever the fuck that's about."
I pretend not to know what he's talking about.