Page 28 of The Prodigy
Giant's already stalking that way, his steps echoing across the tile floor.
"She likes you."
He grunts, making me chuckle.
"For someone so eager to marry, you don't waste any time shutting them down."
"They all look like her," he mutters, stabbing the button for the elevator. "Tiny, no bigger around than my arm. What the fuck am I supposed to do with a woman I'd break in half if I breathed wrong?" He looks at me in genuine bafflement and then mischief fires in his eyes. "Now your woman…."
"I can hide two bodies today, Cormac," I growl.
His unrepentant laugh leaves me shaking my head. The fucker.
"I hate elevators," he bitches, squeezing into the corner. He stands with his arms crossed, scowling at the chrome wall like he expects the thing to plummet into the bowels of hell with us inside. Shit. With the two of us inside, it might. We're as far apart as we can get, still standing shoulder to shoulder.
I chuckle when it lurches into motion and he startles, his scowl deepening. Before he has too long to think about the fact that we're suspended in a hollow tube by nothing but a series of wires and physics, the elevator grinds to a halt on the second floor.
He bumps my shoulder in his haste to escape.
I follow him out, following the signs to the right. Room 204 is the second door. Giant and I don't even have to discuss it. He stands to the right. I stand to the left so the fucker inside can't see either of us through the peephole.
"Management," I shout, pounding my fist against the blue wood.
"Be cool," Giant hisses at me.
I choose to ignore him. I'll be cool. As soon as Silas Renton gets the fuck out of Silver Spoon Falls and never returns. Whoever he is, he has no criminal history. Not much history at all that I could find. Everyone has skeletons. Everyone has a digital footprint. This man is a ghost. Aside from the fact that he exists, owns a car registered in Chicago, and has a bank account, I found nothing on him. I don't like it.
Shuffling on the other side of the door reaches my ears, and then it creeks open. Silas Renton peers out.
"Can I–?"
I shove my foot in the door, slamming it open on him.
Before he can even finish his sentence, I'm inside his room, my hand around his throat.
"Jesus Christ," Giant mutters behind me, following me into the room. He closes the door behind me, giving us privacy.
"You've been following my woman around," I growl, backing Silas up against the wall.
To his credit, he doesn't even flinch. He doesn't look surprised to see me either.
"Left pocket," he wheezes.
"Left jacket pocket. Look in my left jacket pocket."
I stare at him for a moment and then slowly reach into the left pocket of his jacket, feeling around. My fingers close over his wallet. I pull it out and toss it toward Giant.
"Motherfucker," Giant growls, flipping it open. "He's a private investigator."
"What?" I turn my head in his direction
Giant flips his wallet around for me to see the private investigator license. The name on it isn't Silas Renton. It's Silas Rossi. I peel my hand off his throat, dropping him back to the ground.
"Explain," I growl. "Now."