Page 72 of Almost Beautiful (Beautiful 3)
“It’s none of our business, Pidge.”
I craned my neck at him. “Seriously? You’re so far up Trent’s ass you can see out his belly button. Brandon, too. You’re all up everyone else’s shit, but I have to mind my own business?” I touched my chest.
Travis chuckled and leaned in. I leaned away, still pouting, but that only made him laugh harder.
“What’s so funny?” I hissed.
“You’re just so damn hot when you’re mad. It’s ridiculous how much I need to touch you when you’re all red-faced and flustered.”
“I’m not red-faced.” I pouted.
“Oh my God, come here,” he said, reaching for me. He tried to kiss me, but I leaned away. As hard as I tried, he was just too strong, and that was somehow erotic.
“Quit!” I protested, but I didn’t fight too hard to keep him from planting his soft, warm lips on mine. It was times like this when it hit me that he belonged to me. It wasn’t a dream, a fantasy, or a chick flick. Travis Maddox was real, and I was married to him. I touched his cheeks and opened my mouth, allowing his tongue to slip inside.
A knock on the window prompted Travis to look up.
I sighed, raking my fingers through my hair as Travis pressed the button to roll down my window. “Oh. Hey, Cami.”
“Here for a visit?” she asked in a chipper voice.
She was too nice. Trying too hard. She knew I didn’t like her—not that I tried to keep it a secret.
“We, uh … we just left. We were on our way home,” Travis said.
“Oh,” Camille said, deflated.
“We can stay if you want,” Travis said. I pinched his side and he grunted, grabbing my hand. “For a few minutes. It’s date night.”
“Aw, that’s fun. I’ll be glad when Trent starts feeling better. It’s been a while since we’ve been on a date.”
“Well,” Travis began. I begged him with my eyes not to say it. “You guys can come with us if you want.”
Camille glanced at me and then shrugged. “Thanks, Trav, but we’re saving money right now. Another time, though. That sounds fun.”
We both waved to Camille. She crossed her arms over her middle as she walked up the stairs, only releasing them to open her door. Just before she walked inside, her eyes brightened and she smiled. I knew the feeling. I felt it every time I saw Travis, no matter how much time we’d spent apart.
“Okay. Okay, you’re right,” I said. “I hold grudges, and I need to let this go.”
Travis lifted my hand to his mouth and pressed his lips against my skin. The air conditioner was on full blast, but his hand was still a little sweaty from the few minutes we sat in the car without it. He appreciated my words, but he was a man of action. I’d have to show him.
I sighed and pulled my cell phone from my purse, looking for Camille’s number in my contacts folder. I pressed her name and held the phone to my ear.
“Hello?” she said, sounding surprised.
“Hey, Cami. It’s Abby.”
“I know,” she said, amused.
I tried not to assume she was making fun of me, but that was the first place my thoughts went.
“I, um … we should have drinks or coffee some time. I’m out of school, now. If you have a morning or evening off, let me know.”
“Oh.” She paused. “I’d really, really like that, Abby. I have tomorrow morning off for our follow-up appointments. They’re first thing in the morning, so we should be out by nine-thirty. I can drop off Trenton and can be somewhere by ten. Should we meet for coffee?”
“The Daily Grind?” I asked.
“Good. I mean, yes. That’s great. Can’t wait,” she said, stumbling over her words. “Okay. See you then.”