Page 66 of Almost Beautiful (Beautiful 3)
The way he looked at me reminded me of when we were in his car making out in front of Travis’s apartment.
I inwardly cringed. It was bad enough that I’d been with him in that way at all, but the thought of it now made me hate myself.
After three hours, two of the tables were empty, and Parker, Justin, Ricky, Bentley, and the real star the night, Collin Vanderberg, filled the seats at mine.
I’d already fronted Justin and Ricky a thousand to stay in, but my objective wasn’t to make money.
“I can’t believe I didn’t know this about you, Abs. I think I’m even more attracted to you than before, if that’s even possible.”
“Pay attention to your cards, Parker. You’re down eight-fifty,” I said.
“I’m getting ready to make it all back,” he said, pushing in chips.
“Not this time,” Ricky said. Ricky and Justin glanced at one another. Ricky seemed confident, but I’d figured out his tell within the first hour. He was bluffing.
“Fold,” Justin said, frustrated.
The other two put in without hesitation. Bentley was bluffing, too, but Collin was a significantly better player than anyone else at the table—except for me, of course—and I caught myself wondering if he’d played in more serious circles.
Collin didn’t need to win like I did, though. And because of that, my four-of-a-kind easily beat his straight. Parker wasn’t bluffing, but he was too much of an amateur to know his hand wasn’t worth a damn.
“Fucking hell!” Parker said, throwing his cards to the table and standing.
Collin peered over at me. “Impressive. You should come to one of my games sometime.”
“You put games together?” I asked.
“You’re inviting her? She’s just lucky,” Bentley said.
Collin laughed once. “Do you really not know? That’s incredible.”
“What?” Bentley asked.
“She’s Mick Abernathy’s daughter. Don’t you remember Lucky 13 in the papers a few years ago? She’s a fucking poker legend and has been since before she got her first period.”
I made a face at the reference. Parker’s mouth dropped open at the information.
“That gambling addict in the papers that got mixed up with the mob, right?” Ricky asked, his eyes darting between Collin and me.
“Oh, yeah,” Collin said. “You’d better pay up, asshole, she’s got some scary friends.”
Ricky swallowed.
“On that note,” Collin said, “I’ll be heading home. Bentley?” He pointed to him. “You’re a fucking idiot.” He looked to the rest of us. “Good night.” He bowed his head a bit to me. “It’s been a pleasure, Abernathy.”
“Maddox,” I said. “It’s Maddox now.”
Collin grinned and nodded. “Congratulations.”
Parker rolled his eyes.
I gathered my winnings, cashed in my chips, and watched Justin and Ricky.
Ricky leaned back, feigning a calm demeanor. “We’ll get it to you next week. Ask anyone, we’re good for it.”
Justin nodded.
I stood. “Why don’t you boys walk me to my car? It’s late, and dark, and you owe me.”