Page 54 of Almost Beautiful (Beautiful 3)
“Even one-handed, still does it better than anyone else,” she said, kissing his cheek once he was finished. “Thank you.”
Trenton turned to hug his little brother. “Happy birthday, ass hat!”
“Hey,” Camille said, hugging me. “Looks great.”
“You didn’t have to come. You were just in the hospital for a major car accident. I know you’re not feeling the best and you’re still healing.”
“Yeah, we’ve both got a long way to go. But we wouldn’t miss it. And it’s kind of nice to get out of the house.”
“Trenton said you’ve been getting migraines.”
“The meds help. But to be honest, I probably won’t be able to stay long. We’re just stopping by for a sec. I know it’s probably … awkward for everyone.”
I gave her the nicest smile I could manage—which was dry at best—and then watched Travis hug her gently.
“Looking good, Cami! Glad you made it,” he said. He turned to Trenton. “And that has to be the coolest fucking cast I’ve ever seen.”
Trenton held up his arm, turning it back and forth to show off the artwork. “Yeah, I got bored.”
“You did that?” I asked, surprised. “That’s incredible.”
He shrugged. “It was kind of fun. Like starting all over. It’s itchy as fuck under there, though. Driving me insane.”
Travis hooked his arm around his brother’s neck. “I really appreciate you guys being here. Love you, brother.” He kissed Trenton’s head and then grabbed my hand. “Can I talk to you a minute?”
“Is everything okay?” I asked as he pulled me into the bathroom.
“Can you please—for me—be nice to Cami?”
My eyebrows shot up. I felt instantly defensive. “I didn’t say a damn thing to her, Trav. I was nice.”
“I know … you’re just … I mean this in the nicest way possible. You suck at faking it with Cami, which is weird considering your gift of indifference.”
“I’mtrying. How do you do it? How can you act like she didn’t do what she did?”
“It was an accident, Pidge.”
“I’m not talking about the wreck, and you know it.”
Travis sighed. “Trenton loves her. She loves him, too. She makes him happy. C’mon. We’ve had our problems and she’s not a bitch to you.”
“I’m not being a bitch, and I didn’t fuck one of your brothers!” Once I said the words, I immediately regretted them.
Travis’s expression screwed into disgust. He wasn’t used to me behaving that way, and in truth, neither was I.
The Maddoxes were a broken but beautiful, tightly knit family. There were thousands of similar families in the world, but this one was special. They all loved each other fiercely from such a damaged place. Their sorrow fueled them, and their loyalty was unconditional.
Trenton had just proved it. That Camille would risk endangering what they’d built, over nearly two decades of tears and ashes, made me angry in a way I couldn’t describe.
I covered my face. “I don’t want to do this on your birthday. Please?”
“I didn’t mean that you’re being a bitch. I would never call you that. That’s not what I meant, I’m sorry.”
I touched his face. “Don’t apologize. I know you’re trying to keep the peace.” I crossed my arms. “But I don’t know if I can do what you’re asking.”
“Do you think she meant for any of that to happen? I could understand you hating her if she was maliciously fucking with their heads, but I don’t think that was the case. She isn’t Tommy’s type. I know he loved her—”
“Looks like he still does.”