Page 47 of Almost Beautiful (Beautiful 3)
“Oh. That’s… that’s great, Trav. I wish I could, but I promised coffee with Finch.”
“No worries. I just miss you. I’ll see you after this job okay? She said it’ll probably be six or so hours.”
“Yes, you will. I miss you, too, babe.”
I hung up the phone, tapped out a text to Finch and waited. As soon as Finch replied, I tapped the Uber driver on the shoulder. “I need to change the destination, is that okay?”
“Sure, sure,” he said, looking at his navigation. “Do you know how to do it?”
“Yes,” I said, tapping the buttons.
Within fifteen minutes we were at Finch’s apartment, and I sat on the stoop until he pulled up in his white G-Wagon.
He lifted his oversized glasses and shook his head at me. “Why you always messy? Stand up, we’re not peasants.”
“I don’t have time to go in, Finch, I just need to … confess.”
“Oh, yes, you came to the right place. Spill it.”
“I can’t give context, but … I just met with Parker for coffee and then lied to Travis about it.”
He wrinkled his nose. “Ew. Hashtag fuck Parker.”
“I know, I know, but there was a good reason for it. I was going to ask him for money to help me with something, but then got a better idea. I left but if Travis knew, he’d be pissed.”
“He would. That was stupid. How much do you need?”
“I don’t need it anymore. Like I said, I got a better idea.”
“Such as?” he asked, looking at his nails as if he were bored. He wasn’t. He was enjoying every word.
“Um … so … bribery? I guess it’s more blackmail. But also like a tradeoff for debt.”
“Prostitution …” he said, nodding.
“What? No! Nothing like that. I’m going to get them to owe me money, a lot of it, so they stay in their own lane. Basically.”
“Them who?”
“I can’t say.”
“Thanks for wasting my time,” Finch said, walking up the stairs.
“Finch!” I called after him.
He stopped but didn’t turn around.
“Should I tell Travis about Parker?”
Finch looked over his shoulder at me. “Meeting up with your ex whatever and lying to your husband about it is cheating. I don’t care what any bitch tells me, it is.” He turned around. “And you’re no cheater.”
I sighed and nodded.
Finch went inside and I ordered another Uber, heading back to campus to grab the car and then home. I kept myself busy, putting away dishes, vacuuming, starting dinner in the crockpot, finishing an essay and chatting with a tutoring client about her homework.
Dusting, laundry, and reorganizing the closet took up the rest of my time before Travis finally got home.
“Where’s my girl?” he called from the front door.