Page 7 of Corrupting Her (Forbidden Fantasies)
I nod.
“Okay, but these are all quite standard. You mentioned some creative ways to get around the ban? Does it have to do with getting cock in your pussy? Are we pushing the limits here?”
I have to admit that I’m exceedingly curious because I’d love to know all the filthy ways I can ravish this woman before returning her to God. It intrigues me, and my cock’s at full mast now, pounding and painful.
Tanya, meanwhile, nods again.
“Yes. Have you ever heard of the Mormon Dick Soak?” she whispers.
I blink, startled.
“Are you Mormon? Is this part of their vows and rituals?”
She shakes her head while biting her lip.
“No, I’m not Mormon. I’m just regular Christian non-denominational, but I guess the name probably comes from Mormon folks who invented this.”
“What does it entail, pray tell?” I ask, leaning forward as my balls raise painfully.
She bites her lip again, causing the bottom one to plumpen up enticingly.
“Basically, it’s just…Well, the man can put it in and everything,” she blushes. “But he doesn’t move. The couple just remains still the whole time.”
I groan aloud at the mere thought of it. I imagine it would feel fucking amazing, having Tanya’s tight, wet pussy wrapped around my cock, keeping it nice and warm for me. But how would I possibly be able to keep myself from moving? How would I not be able to fuck into her, over and over again? The urge would be irresistible and this is beginning to sound more like torture.
“It sounds fucking awful,” I growl. “Like hell.”
Tanya nods, still biting her lip.
“Yes, it is,” she acknowledges. “It’s definitely a challenge, but the good part is that I don’t technically count it as breaking my vow.”
“Really?” I send her a look, watching as she squirms in her seat. “I find that hard to believe, sweetheart. Kind of like following the letter of the law, but not the spirit. Not even following the letter, to be honest.”
She swallows hard and nods once more.
“I know, but sometimes I really like a guy, so this is what we do. And I feel like holding it there without moving is okay because it’s not like we’d actually be having sex. We’d just been enjoying our closeness.”
My bark of laughter is loud in the room, startling the sweet girl.
“That’s some kind of closeness you’ve got there. Tell me: are Mormons the ones who invented this?”
Tanya shifts uncomfortably in her chair.
“I don’t know. It’s just what some of the girls at church whisper about, and what they recommend.”
My eyebrows fly off my forehead then.
“I’d like to know more about these girls at your church,” I drawl. “They sound pretty devilish to me.”
Tanya looks up then, her brown eyes wide.
“Oh no, they’re not devilish. No, no, not at all. These are good girls,” she says quickly. “It’s just that … well, everyone has needs and in our church, we’re not supposed to act on them until marriage, so we’ve found ways to be inventive, that’s all.”
I merely smile.
“Well, inventive is one way to put it, I suppose,” I drawl. But then, I shrug my broad shoulders. “If you’re okay with it, then I’m game, honey. I mean, we should at least try it once and see if it’s workable, right?”
She nods slightly.