Page 5 of Corrupting Her (Forbidden Fantasies)
My eyes jerk up to his.
“Nice?” I echo in a small voice.
He nods, blue eyes flashing.
“Very nice,” he emphasizes. “In fact, I’m so intrigued by what I saw that I’ll go ahead and cut to the chase. I’d like to offer you a deal.”
I have trouble swallowing for a moment. A deal? Is this good or bad? Does he want me to pay a fine? Does he want me to take on extra shifts as a hotel maid? It’s not what I would want, but I’d be willing to do it if it means keeping my job.
“Um, okay, sure, but what deal?” I manage to stammer. “I don’t have much to offer.”
The handsome man grins wolfishly then, and my heart jumps. I literally feel a little light-headed, as if I might faint, and I wonder if my blood pressure somehow just took a dip. But I manage to stay upright as Mr. Thompson speaks even if I have to hold myself still.
“Well, it’s quite simple actually,” he says in a smooth tone. “I’d like to start a relationship with you, Tanya.”
I stare at him.
“A relationship?” I echo like an idiot. “Really?”
He nods, a smirk coming onto that handsome face.
“Yes, a relationship, but not the kind you’re thinking. There won’t be any flowers or champagne, or any dates for that matter. This is a relationship based on physical pleasure. One in which I get to enjoy your delectable body,” he clarifies.
I stare at him some more.
“Are you kidding me?” I ask in a slow tone. “It’s not funny, if you are.”
He merely shrugs, not at all perturbed.
“No, I’m serious. You’re a very beautiful woman, Tanya, and I liked what I saw last night. So yes, I want to begin a physical relationship with you where those curves are are mine to enjoy anytime I like.”
I stare at him, heart pounding.
“No way. This is not real.”
Mr. Thompson merely shrugs again.
“Think about it. It could be fun, Miss Grimes. I promise I’m a very generous lover, and multiple women have walked away exceedingly satisfied after leaving my bed. Not to mention, I’ll make it worth your while.”
My mouth twists at the balls of this guy. Really, so he’s a Casanova hmm? But I shake my head again.
“No, it’s not going to work,” I state in a firm voice. “I’m not into stuff like that. Despite what you saw last night, I’m not a whore.”
Mr. Thompson shrugs easily.
“I never said you were a whore. Like I said, I’m looking for a relationship, not a paid prostitute.”
I stare at him.
“But if you’re going to make it ‘worth my while,’ like you said, then I kind of am getting paid, right?”
He grins wolfishly again, those blue eyes flashing.
“I never said you were getting paid. You’re getting to be not fired.”
The insanity hits me then like a blow to the chest.
“But that’s not fair!” I stammer, hardly able to find my voice. "You can’t—That isn’t legal—"