Page 15 of Corrupting Her (Forbidden Fantasies)
“Of course. But if I may offer a minor critique? Or a suggestion? If you’d rather not hear it, it’s totally fine,” she rushes. “I mean, I’m just a nobody, so my opinion doesn’t matter.”
A frown creases my brow as I slide a big hand over her small one.
“No, your opinion matters, sweetheart. Very much, in fact, so shoot. Tell me what’s on your mind.”
The beautiful brunette takes a deep breath.
“Okay well, I think you should change the floor layout so that it’s less maze-like. I mean, people get lost wandering the main floor sometimes.”
I laugh, shaking my head.
“Yes, but that’s the point, baby girl, because hotels, and especially casinos, should be maze-like. That way our customers never leave. Instead, they just stay at the slot machines, gambling 24/7.”
Tanya nods thoughtfully.
“Good point. I never thought of that. But at least the restrooms need to be more accessible,” she adds quickly. “I’ve seen a whole lot of lost-looking people doing pee-pee dances in the middle of the casino, you know where they grab their crotch and hop from one foot to another. They can’t gamble if they pee themselves and have to go back to their rooms to change, right? And, I’d argue that piss puddles in the middle of the casino are bad for business too,” she teases.
“Good point,” I chuckle. “I’ll take it into consideration and even speak with my number two about potentially getting better signs for the restrooms.”
Tanya flashes me a brilliant smile, and my heart contracts because I like making her happy. In fact, this woman’s happiness is very important to me, and I squeeze her hand fondly as the conversation continues. Who knew? Generally, I’m a total asshole when it comes to women, but somehow, this sweet brunette as pulled at my heart strings, and I’m feeling things that I’ve never felt before. Was this supposed to happen? A dark foreboding crosses my mind, but I brush it away. Our deal can always be renegotiated because at the moment, I’m enjoying Tanya Grimes too much to care.
Three months later.
I can hardly contain my excitement, practically bouncing up and down as I get changed into a sexy, semi-sheer leotard and heeled dance shoes. But it’s not because I’m dancing for men. No, I actually have an audition with the Pretty Pussycats lined up, and I’m beyond excited. I’m nervous, trembling, and jumping for joy all at once because of this incredible opportunity.
Plus, it’s all due to Stone. The CEO and I have been dating for three months now, and it’s absolutely wonderful. We talk, laugh, and spend so much time together that I’m hardly ever in my suite of rooms at the Corinthian. Instead, I’ve pretty much taken up residence at his penthouse and it’s a really comfortable life. He has every luxury, including laundry service, housekeeping, not to mention access to the spa, gym, restaurants, and casinos downstairs. Although of course, I’m not gambling. Instead, I go to my job during the day but then at night, I meet Stone for dinner somewhere, either in his penthouse or at one of the restaurants in the Corinthian. It’s awesome, really. He’s always interested to hear stories about Thunder Strike because this is his business, after all.
“So are those guys turning up the heat?” he asked, one brow quirking with amusement.
“Oh my God,” I gushed. “They’ve really taken things to a triple-X level, if you know what I mean. Just the other day, Randy was doing that fireman act, and you know they actually fill up the prop hose with foam now. Then, he held it in front of his crotch and pretended he was spurting on the women, and a ton of white stuff flew out, covering the ladies in the first couple of rows in frothy bubbles.”
Stone raises an eyebrow.
“So were they grossed out, or mad because they got wet?”
“No, no!” I squeal. “We warned the ladies in the front rows that they might get “splashed,” so they knew it was coming. In fact, it was the audience that surprised us. The women screamed with joy, holding their mouths open and pretending like they were getting cream pies and pearl necklaces splattered on their faces, and then quite a few disrobed so that they could feel the foam all over their bodies. Of course, the women were wearing bikinis underneath, but OMG, these women were so over the top. They were rubbing the foam into their nipples and even their pussies, pretending the stuff was male come!”
Stone’s eyes actually widen from surprise.
“Are you shitting me?”
I shake my head.
“No, it’s totally true. It was such a hit that first time that they’re planning on doing that skit at least once a week, if not every day.”
Stone shakes his head.
“Shit,” he marvels. “Well, ticket sales are definitely up so I guess I know why now.”
I giggle because this is the type of conversation we’re always having. We talk about the most ridiculous events out there, and also some serious stuff too. After all, life has its ups and downs, but I’ve found that my man is actually quite even-keeled when it comes to perspective and keeping cool. I guess it comes from being a CEO for over twenty years.
So yes, things are pretty near perfect right now. I love spending time with my man, and even though our relationship is pretty hush-hush, I know that Stone doesn’t care if our arrangement gets out. He has nothing to fear. I just don’t want my co-workers to know that I’m dating the boss, although of course, we’ve been spotted together a few times already.
But now, I’m ready for the Pretty Pussycats audition. I’m backstage at the Merovingian, tapping my heels while fidgeting a bit.