Page 7 of Just One More Touch
What’s this shit?Is this what Tony does on his time off?
I look over at him, trying to keep the judgment off my face. I thought he was pussy whipped before, but now I know it for a fact.
I clear my throat, but I don’t say anything even though I can feel Tony’s eyes on me as he laughs a little. Sandra leans into him, wrapping her hands around his forearm and whispering in his ear.
I lean forward and tap Emma to get her attention, but Tony speaks up before I can say anything. “So how long are you in town?” Tony asks Emma. She looks back at me for just a split second and then at Tony and answers him, “Five weeks.”
“What are you in town for?” I ask her. I can see her breath hitch, and she slowly turns to answer me.
“Just winter break... from school.” Her gorgeous hazel eyes reach mine for a moment before she tucks a lock of hair behind her ear. Just hearing her voice takes me back.
I nod my head and shift in my seat a little as Sandra speaks up, her eyes already a little red from the joint she’s passing between her and Tony. “Emma’s in school for child psychology at Johns Hopkins.”
“That’s cool,” I answer easily, although in my head I’m trying to think how far away that is. Fuck, that’s hours away.
“I just have one semester left,” Emma says softly, her voice trailing off before she clears her throat and looks away again. Is she embarrassed? I open my mouth to ask her what she’s thinking, but her sister butts in.
I’m trying not to get irritated, but I just want a moment alone with Emma.
“Oh! And she has this really cool job working with kids at a local middle and high school,” Sandra says with pride, but it only makes Emma blush more furiously.
“You’re working with high school kids?” I ask her.
“Yeah, the bad ones,” she says a little playfully, and it makes Tony laugh from across the room.
That’s my sweetheart.Loosen up for me, baby.
I nod my head slowly as I ask, “Did you always wanna do that?” I don’t know why I ask her. The question just slips out.
“She’s always been super smart,” Sandra says before accepting the blunt from Tony and leaning in for a kiss.
I know she has. I know my girl. It makes me proud that she's going to school for something like psychology and working with kids.
The room’s quiet for a minute as I stare at her, waiting for more, but she’s not giving me anything.
Emma tenses somewhat, but she doesn’t move. She’s waiting on me. I guess that’s fair. She made the first move all those years ago.
She’s gonna have to wait though. I just wanna soak her in and watch her. She needs to relax.
Tony passes me a blunt, leaning forward but not getting his ass off the sofa. I light up, sucking in a deep breath and lean back. The flow of the smoke feels good as it fills my lungs.
Just taking that first puff, not even that, just feeling the blunt on my lips and smelling the Lemon OG Kush is already easing some of the tension. Only a bit though. I won’t feel better until I can figure out what’s on Emma’s mind.
Sandra nudges Tony and not-so-subtly gestures at the loveseat Emma and I are seated on. The two of them are smiling, and I know right then this was definitely a setup.
I just don’t know which of the two of them initiated it, and whether or not they have any idea of our past. I never told anyone. If Emma told Sandra, and she’s setting us up… that’s gotta be a good sign.
“We’re gonna go upstairs,” Sandra says a little louder than she needs to, standing up and stretching.
Tony leaves the bag of weed on the end table.
“What?” Emma asks with a hint of desperation in her voice. I chuckle at the disbelief in her voice.They’re leaving you with me, sweetheart.
“See ya!” Sandra calls out as she practically jogs out of the room. Tony gives me a nod on his way out, looking at me for my reaction. The car keys are in his hand, but I don’t reach for them. We always take my car when we meet clients, but Tony likes to drive. I don't mind it. I settle back in my seat and return his nod.
He gives me an amused look and shakes his head somewhat as he catches up to Sandra. I’ll let them think whatever they want right now. I just wanna be alone with Emma. I watch as he sets the keys on the coffee table and keeps moving.
Emma perks up real fucking quick, looking at her sister with wide eyes, but she’s staring at her back, 'cause Sandra’s already on the move and ignoring the obvious murderous look Emma’s giving her behind her back.