Page 19 of Surviving
Now worried about her, I hurried to finish grabbing everything we both needed. I made it back to the clubhouse with ten minutes to spare and carried everything down the hall to her room. Frowning, I looked down at the bag that contained the things I’d picked up for myself.
I knew I’d thought of it before, but I really needed to move into this room with her.
She was wearing my name on her back. I was pretty sure we were beyond the point of having separate rooms.
“Hey,” I said when I walked into the room. She looked up from the book she was reading. I set the bags down on the floor and shut the door, coming to sit beside her on the bed. “You want to tell me what you mean by your periods being spotty?”
She shrugged, dog-earring the page in her book before she closed it. “They’ve been like this for a couple of years now. It’s been four months since I’ve had one.” My eyebrows pulled together on my forehead. She shrugged. “I take a pregnancy test every month just to be on the safe side, but it’s always negative.”
“Are you on birth control?” She nodded. “Do you think it’s because of your birth control?”
She shook her head. “My periods began acting weird a few years ago before I got on birth control. I tried birth control to see if it would regulate it, but now I just take it in the hopes I don’t get knocked up before I’m ready.”
I frowned. That wasn’t fucking normal. Why didn’t a doctor look into all of this deeper? I was on the internet enough to know women struggled when it came to OB care. Why couldn’t a doctor just do their job and dig to find the issue beneath feminine problems?
“After all this shit is over, you’re going to see a doctor.”
She nodded. “Okay.” She ran her pretty eyes over my face. Damn, I loved that she didn’t fight me on this shit. “But I really don’t think it’s anything to be seriously worried about, though.”
I took a seat beside her on the bed and ran my hand over her soft hair. “I don’t care, baby girl. I still want you taken care of.” I dropped a kiss to her sweet lips. “You mind putting everything up for me?”
She looked at the bags then raised her pretty eyes back up to mine. “Even your stuff?”
I grinned at her. “My shit will be in here eventually,” I teased her.
She rolled her eyes but returned my smile with a sweet, hopeful one of her own that had my heart fluttering in my chest. “You mean that?”
I flashed her a grin. “I’m as serious as my heart is beating.”
She couldn’t contain the happiness in her eyes and in her beaming smile even if she tried. And God, that smile, that look in her eyes? My soul was basically flying.
Igently ran the loofa over Reina’s back, being careful not to hurt her. She just clenched her jaw and pressed her hands flat to the shower wall, gritting her teeth as I did my damnest to wash her as quickly as possible.
“Done, baby girl,” I soothed once I was finished.
She breathed a sigh of relief and turned her back to the water, rinsing off the suds. Once she was rinsed, she looked up at me through her wet lashes. I groaned at the look in her eyes as I palmed my dick, stroking it a couple of times.
That look in her eyes was always my fucking undoing. Couldn’t deny her anything she wanted when she looked at me like that.
Leaning down, I smoothed my lips over hers, turning her so I blocked the cooling water. “Shower probably isn’t—oh, shit,” she gasped when I gripped her beneath her thighs and lifted her up. Her legs wrapped around my waist, and she kissed me harder, her fingers tangling into my dyed black hair.
“Shower isn’t what?” I growled. “This what you wanted, baby girl? I know that fucking look all too well,” I reminded her.
She nodded. “You don’t touch me as much as you used to.”
I laughed, shaking my head. “Reina, baby, you’rehealing. Trust me, every goddamn day, I wake up with a boner so hard it fucking hurts, but you also need to rest as much as you can. You already get so little sleep as it is. And with everything going on—”
“I know,” she whispered. She kissed me again, opening her mouth to allow our tongues to dance together. I growled softly, my hand coming up to fist some of her hair, crushing her mouth against mine. “Just give me this right now, please?”
I couldn’t deny this woman when she begged me like this.
I gripped her hips and eased her back. Reaching down, she grabbed my cock in her hands and positioned me at her opening. With a moan, I slid her down on me, sheathing myself inside of her.
“Oh, God,” she whimpered, her eyes almost rolling back into her head. “You feel so good inside of me, Sam.”