Page 48 of Sweet As Candy (Boyfriend Diaries 11)
The guys share a thoughtful look.
“Do you want to tell her, or should I?” John asks.
“You tell it better.”
John grins. “Well, I was dreading the welcome reception. I hate those departmental things. They’re tedious and boring. Unfortunately, I have no choice but to attend. It’s part of my job.”
“I went to the undergrad one. It wasn’t that bad.”
“They’re great for students. Boring for professors,” John explains. “Anyway, I was drinking a soda in the corner, waiting for it to be over, when I saw this scrawny, nervous-looking guy hiding out. He kept looking around like he was waiting for someone to save him. I decided I’d be that person. It seemed more interesting than standing in the corner.”
“I wasn’t that scrawny,” Mark mumbles.
John squeezes his arm. “You’ve put on a lot of muscle since then.”
“I want to see scrawny Mark!”
“I have pictures,” John promises. “So I went over and introduced myself. There was something between us right away. Electricity. But I didn’t know if Mark was bi, and that’s not something you ask at a welcome session. Luckily, I didn’t need to ask. We talked for the entire reception, and when it came time to leave, neither of us wanted to. We went to the coffee shop at the library to keep chatting for a while longer. That’s when we learned we’re both bi, and the rest, well, is history.”
I put my hand over my heart. “That’s such a cute story!”
Mark and John smile at each other. “It’s a pretty great origin story. Not everyone gets as lucky as we did. We clicked the second we locked eyes. I’m so glad it turned out that Mark was bi, too.”
“And I’m glad John is bi. I would’ve gone home really frustrated if he wasn’t.”
I laugh. “Isn’t it funny how sometimes you end up in the right place at the right time? If John had begged out of the reception, we might not all be sitting here.”
“That’s the best part. I almost did skip it,” John admits. “But I’d skipped the last two, and my department head told me that if I didn’t go, I’d be on mentor duty. I don’t have time to be a mentor for twenty PhD students with my writing and teaching schedule, so I had no choice but to attend.”
“Of course, our relationship isn’t complete,” Mark adds. “Or, at least, it wasn’t until we met you.”
Both guys turn their gaze to me, causing me to blush deep red. I’ve always wanted someone to look at me with desire and passion in their eyes. Now I have two people doing it, and we’re in public!
I can’t wait until we’re back at the hotel and can finally act on this passion again.
“How are you feeling about all of this?” John asks. “It’s been about a month since we made our relationship official. Do you have any qualms? Worries? Hesitations?”
“None,” I say. “Well, it does suck that we have to keep everything a secret, but I understand why. Having Jessica to talk to really helps with that, though.”
I told the guys that Jessica knows everything about a week after we made things official. They were nervous at first, but I assured them that my best friend would keep our secret. When I told them she’s our biggest supporter, they settled down.
“There’s nothing else?” Mark insists. “We want to make sure you’re in this. If you ever feel like you want to stop, you just say the word.”
“No!” I object quickly. “I don’t want to stop. I’m happy with you. Everything about the last month has been incredible.”
Mark grins. “That’s good to know.”
“I mean it. If you’d asked me a year ago if I thought I’d be in a triad with my professor and TA, I’d have laughed in your face. Now that I’m here, though, I can’t imagine my life any different.”
“I can’t imagine being with anyone but the two of you,” John admits. “We just work. I’m glad we’re all on the same page.”
We definitely are. I may be questioning my life and my future, but the one thing I’m certain about is that I want Mark and John to be a part of both. When I say they make me happy, that’s an understatement. I’ve never been as happy as I am with Mark and John. They make me feel like I can do anything.
My heart races with excitement. I knew Mark and John were into me on some level, but having this confirmation sets my body on fire.
Why do we have to be at this conference? I want to be at the hotel, in bed with these two amazing guys!
“How about the conference?” Mark asks, pulling me out of my dirty thoughts. That’s probably for the best. “Are you enjoying it?”
“I actually am. It’s not my thing, but being here with you makes it worth it.”