Page 31 of Sweet As Candy (Boyfriend Diaries 11)
“Well,” I begin. “Last night, I went to the professor’s house, as you know.”
“How was it? Was it huge?”
“It was an apartment, but yeah, it was huge. Two bedrooms!”
“Damn! In New York? That must be crazy expensive!”
“Right? I swear, his apartment is bigger than my house.”
Jessica laughs, her eyes still trained on the scene in front of us. I take a sip of beer to give me some courage. I suddenly feel shy about what happened with John and Mark. I don’t want anyone else to hear. Luckily, no one is paying us any attention. The music is too loud, the alcohol is flowing too freely, and the hormones are running too wild.
“While I was there, we talked about some stuff. And then…well, we kind of had sex.”
Jessica whips around and stares at me. “Wait. You had sex? With which one?”
“Both of them,” I admit quietly.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?”
I bite my lip. “Both of them,” I repeat, a bit louder this time.
Jessica gapes at me. Once my words fully hit her, she squeals and jumps up and down. It’s just like the scene in our room when I first told her about the guys.
“Oh my God! This is amazing!” she cries. I glance around, making sure we’re still being ignored. We haven’t used any names, but I don’t want to risk anything. There’s too much at stake. “I didn’t think you were such a dirty girl!”
“I’m not!” I exclaim.
Jessica grins at me. “You are now. You had sex with each other! I want details.”
“It was really good,” I say. “And…well, they also had sex with each other.”
Jessica goes berserk. “I can’t believe this! You are so bad. I’m jealous!”
I laugh. “It’s not like I went looking for it!”
“I know! That’s what makes it even better. This is amazing. I want to know more!”
I shake my head. “Not here. It’s sensitive information. I’ll tell you everything later.”
Jessica nods. “Okay, that makes sense. But I expect a full rundown, from start to finish.”
“I promise!”
She squeals again. “I’m just so freaking happy for you! And jealous. Now it’s time to find me a guy.”
Just as the words leave Jessica’s lips, a hulking frat guy approaches us.
“Hi,” he greets us. “I’m Tom. And you are?”
Jessica practically melts. “I’m Jessica, and this is my best friend, Mari. She’s taken; I’m not.”
Tom’s attention turns completely to Jessica. “Well, Jessica. It’s a pleasure to meet you. What brings you to the Mu Mu Phi house?”
“We’re looking for some fun. Do you know where we might find it?”
Tom leans closer and whispers something that only Jessica can hear. She laughs, eating it up.
I don’t see the appeal. Tom isn’t very good looking. He has some acne on his chin, his eyes are a boring brown, and his hair needs a good brushing. He does have muscles, so at least there’s that. This guy isn’t exactly Jessica’s normal type, but that doesn’t necessarily mean anything. Maybe she’s leaving her comfort zone, like I’m doing.
While the two of them chat, I look around the room. Is this what a frat party is usually like? There are people sitting on couches and sitting on each other. The music is too loud, and cleanup is going to be a pain in the ass. This just doesn’t seem like fun to me.
Jessica loves this kind of atmosphere, but I’d prefer to be holed up in my room with a good book. Maybe I should’ve brought something to read. Surely, there’s an empty room in this house for me to hide.
I can’t leave Jessica, though. That’s rule number one of going to a party with a friend: never leave them alone.
“This party is kind of lame,” Jessica announces loud enough for me to hear. I guess their private conversation is over.
Tom nods. “Yeah, it’s not picking up. But the real party is upstairs.”
“What?” Jessica asks.
“Yeah. It’s a private party held in the rec room. It’s by invitation only, but you two can be my guests. You in?”
Jessica shoots me a hopeful look. I sigh. I was hoping we could leave soon. I’m sure there are other friends who could look after Jessica. But I can’t say no to her. She’s begging me to stay with her eyes. I’d be filled with guilt if I left now.
I give a slight nod, letting her know I’ll do this for her. She grins and grabs my arm.
“We’re in!” she exclaims.
“Excellent,” Tom replies. “You can follow me upstairs. Don’t worry, it’s a lot more fun than down here.”
Jessica and I follow Tom, still linking arms.
“Thank you,” she whispers close to my ear.
“You owe me,” I respond.
Jessica laughs good-naturedly. “I do. Anything you want, you got it.”
“That’s a big promise. I’ll have to ruminate on that one.”
“That’s fine. It’s open-ended.”
We quiet down as we approach the top of the staircase. Tom leads us to the right. It’s a lot quieter up here. The music doesn’t carry.