Page 33 of The Desert King's Spy (Magic and Kings 2)
I really was doing a terrible job of getting him to open up. Blame my ordeal. I wasn’t mentally fit to be verbally sparring or flirting right now.
The iguamel’s rolling gait took us around a sharp corner as he angled upward for the next part of our journey. The city was massive. Big enough I’d yet to see large swathes of it. Never seen the King’s face either, given he never went in public without his veil. Knew nothing of him at all, as a matter of fact. In my defense, I had no interest in the King until Jrijori’s demand.
And now I wondered if I’d made a mistake. The King possessed a sharp mind.
Too sharp, which was the only reason why I didn’t fall off when he said, “You and your uncle are very inquisitive and opinionated when it comes to the hunting of overzealous wildlife.”
“I think you mean murderous.”
“They’re animals. To them, we’re prey. But luckily, we are also hunters. And when we set our sights on a target, we do win more often than you accuse.” With those words, he snapped the reins and broke into a canter that had me clinging to him—it helped with the smell, as we managed to outrun it. I could have cried with the relief on my nose.
The winding levels flew by, and even the gate to the palace level didn’t slow us, as the soldiers let us right through. We cantered into a courtyard, the floor carved from the mountain itself, an indent that went deep enough to provide protected stalls for the king’s stable. The overhang of rock held suspended perches, no longer in use. I’d heard of them, but no one seemed to be able to name what animal used them. Had previous kings commanded flying beasts? If yes, was it dragons? Because they were the only beast ever depicted in art or in stories as having the size to carry people.
The King saw my interest but said not a word. The iguamel came to a stop, and the King slid off. He didn’t offer any kind of cavalier treatment. No hand to get down despite the height. No stool. I could have used a giant to boost me right about now. But I only had me and the fact I could get off a damned iguamel. Hopefully without twisting my ankle.
I held on to the pommel as I slid off, my toes reaching to find purchase on the ground. The iguamel immediately ambled away from me, and I stood there awkwardly, abandoned.
The King hadn’t gone far. He stood near a set of stairs, talking to a soldier wearing a veil. He didn’t once glance my way. Should I remain where I stood? Head for the King? The stairs? This really wasn’t going well at all. I needed the King to not dismiss me so easily. It pricked me even as I knew it shouldn’t. I looked a right mess. I stank. I’d done nothing but antagonize the man.
Still…I was a lady. A lady from a foreign land due a bit of respect.
I marched over to the King and tapped him on the shoulder. The soldier he spoke to stopped talking and gaped behind his loose veil.
The King didn’t even turn his head as he quietly said, “I’m busy.”
“Yes, you are. Taking care of me. Or are you also going to add poor host to your list of faults?” I knew I should be nice. I could hear Qynn admonishing me to flirt, but I couldn’t even bat my lashes. as they were gummed tight. “Where am I staying? It better be a room for me alone. I hate to share. I’ll expect a bath to be waiting and clothes to replace the ones lost on your road.”
“You really want to blame me for that?” He sounded amused, but I definitely had his attention.
“I’d say maintaining shelters and minimizing risk from wildlife falls under crown maintenance.”
“Do you always speak your mind, or am I just special?”
My lips curved with amusement. “Does the ruler of Ulkruuba need me to tell him he’s special?”
“Only tell? Usually, women offer to show me.”
Well, well. He just flirted back, and this despite me looking like something a cat threw up. It would appear the King liked his women strong and outspoken, not simpering damsels.
“That better not be a hint. And stop changing the subject. All this talking isn’t getting me out of these clothes, which I’d recommend you burn. I require a room, bath, clothes, and food. I haven’t eaten since the last evening.”
“You’re a demanding little thing,” he remarked.
“I wouldn’t have to ask if you were a proper host.”
The man I’d interrupted almost fell over, he recoiled so hard.
Had I gone too far?
Laughter emerged from behind the veil. “You win. I will personally escort you, but Koppa here is going to run ahead to the Sunrise Suite and get a bath ready.”
The soldier saluted and then bolted, taking the stairs two at a time.
“What about—”
He interrupted. “As we swing through the main hall, I’ll have someone put together a tray for you. Anything else?”