Page 35 of The Barbarian King's Assassin (Magic and Kings 1)
“I have my suspicions. What I do find odd is that you don’t know. You don’t seem like the type to just accept a job without asking questions.”
“Why would I care who pays me?”
“To understand their motive.”
“My only concern is price.” I’d said it countless times before but never heard the shallow callousness until now.
“Perhaps the reason you’ve been hired should matter.”
“Do you know why you kill people in battle?”
He smiled. “Because they’re usually in my way.”
That almost made me laugh. “Your way to where?”
“To making my kingdom a better place. Never for riches.”
“Making you more of a vigilante. I prefer the perks of being an assassin for hire.”
“Can’t you be a blend of both?”
“Only kill bad people for money?” I snorted. “Who decides who’s wicked?”
“I am sure you can figure it out or find someone you respect enough to follow.” He spoke to me seriously, not trying to force me to accept his opinion but as if testing the concept aloud.
“Someone like you?”
“I doubt you’d listen to my orders.”
“Depends on how much I’d be making.”
“What are you willing to do?” he asked, his head slightly tilted in curiosity.
“I can guard or kill people. Been known to be as nimble fingered as the most accomplished thief.”
“Is there anything you won’t do?”
“Don’t ask me to harm a child.”
“Only the young? What of the innocent? The elderly?”
“We all die someday.”
“Truthful.” Because it kept the guilt at bay. I had to believe if not me then something else would have taken their lives.
“How old are you?”
“Why all the questions, Your Majesty?” I mocked.
“Why won’t you call me Konstantin?”
“Isn’t using your name disrespectful?”
“Not if I ask you to.”
“Why does it matter?”