Page 24 of Embers and Magic: Part Two
“What happened?” he demanded as he pulled Farren from my arms to his. It was instinctual, but she melted into the touch. His eyes widened when he realized, then he relaxed with a soft smile because she had willingly gone to him.
“Avi found our location,” Kane answered, skipping over the gory details. “Town hall.”
“Nolan was there. He’s getting Maxon on tailing them,” I added quickly. “That, and he’s checking in with Quinn. Maybe her visions will have changed.”
“Visions?” Farren asked. Right… She didn’t even know who these people were since they’d moved here later than we did.
“She’s a death witch. Her visions usually show how a person might die, but it’s subject to change. She saw us facing off with the Arch Mage in the mountains, our dragon brood behind us. Then she saw him shapeshifting in a dream. It seems she’s getting far more than death visions lately,” Kane explained.
“Wait,” I said, interrupting. “We should take Farren over now. Things have definitely changed, so her future might have as well. It’s the best clue we’ve gotten.”
“You’re not wrong,” Kane agreed, “but let’s get this settled first.” He pointedly eyed the dragons waiting by the SUV, blocking someone from view.
Niko gestured at the dragons. “Well, we did get to the professor, and I have a lot to catch you guys up on, so let’s head inside.” He said it so nonchalantly, like the news wasn’t shocking, but I didn’t miss the way his eyes drifted over the town. We were all becoming paranoid by default, and I hated it.
* * *
The professor was nice,but the moment he studied me like a specimen, not a person, I knew that he wouldn’t be much help. He was an eccentric man who seemed to have minimal social skills.
“I’m proficient with memory curses and memory magic in general,” he told me absently. “But this is not anything I’ve dealt with.”Oh good… That’s reassuring.
“So you can’t help?” Kane asked bluntly. He was not amused by the professor’s strange behavior.
“I didn’t say that,” the professor replied, those curious eyes refocused on me. “I think I just need to know more. Tell me, do you haveanymemories?”
“Not direct ones past five or so years ago,” I admitted. “I had a few flashes and moments of nostalgia, but only when around my mates. Most of it doesn’t make sense.”
“That’s a good sign.” He hummed. “Devoid darkness would be much more concerning.”
“Is there something we can do?” I prompted again.
“I have a few potions that may help, but from Nikolaus’ description of your enemy, it might be a long shot. Give me until the morning.” That was his dismissal before he turned to his makeshift workbench aka one of the dining room tables. He’d made a detour there before grabbing himself a room.
“Come on,” Niko said softly. Even he sounded annoyed. “I haven’t eaten in hours. Is anyone up for a diner run? It’s between rushes, and I’d kill for Connie’s cooking.”
“Yes,” I groaned at the thought of Connie’s food. “It feels a bit strange to go out to eat while we know he’s out there somewhere.”
“We don’t cower,” Kane said simply. “He’s going to be around regardless, and this gives us a reason to pretend that we’re not onto him. That will be our best defense in the end. He’s bold, but he’s not stupid. He won’t act in broad daylight among all of us.”
Levi joined us then. He rushed over at the sight of Niko and threw himself at the alpha, getting a grin and a kiss in return. A memory hit me then, vivid and loud—all of us in my room by the fire, Niko fucking Levi while I watched, someone else fucking me. It wasn’t clear enough to see who, but I yelped and turned before they could notice the arousal that shocked my system or the glow in my cheeks.
“You okay?” Avi asked. He touched my elbow before I got far, and I felt the wave of calm that generally accompanied the beta.
“Yup. Just a memory,” I said. My voice was high pitched and strained enough that he studied me for a second before letting out a low chuckle.
“Oh. That kind of memory.” He spared me by not saying it out loud, biting back a chuckle as he gestured to the door. “Come on, food awaits.”
Kane wrapped his arm around my shoulder as he led us outside. It was more bold than he had been dealing with me, but that arm acted as armor for me. He was deflecting the feel of eyes on me and the worry that my attacker was out there somewhere.
Levi and Niko fell into step behind us, and I felt a stab of something at the two of them being so close. It was odd, a harsh mix of jealousy and self-loathing, two emotions that were foreign for me. The feelings weren’t because we were sharing the alpha or omega; it was about theeasethey had, something none of the rest of us had now, thanks to my lack of memory.
A gentle hand pulled me from Kane’s grasp, and I was suddenly between Niko and Levi. The poor omega looked worried.
“Hey, are you okay?” he asked softly. I glanced up at the emerald depths of his eyes, and I found that I couldn’t lie to him.
“No.” It was blunt, but it was honest. “It’s just hard to see things so easy for you two. For me, I second guess or overthink everything I do with you guys. There’s this constant worry that I’ve done it before or done something you don’t like. Hell… I don’t even know what I like at this point!”