Page 20 of Embers and Magic: Part Two
“Earlier in the day. I may have enlisted Levi to help with the snacks,” he admitted.
“I really love that you guys get along so well. I've seen big families like ours, whether it be packs, covens, broods, whatever you want to call them, and it doesn’t always work out that way. Half of them bicker constantly. There’s always jealousy and some kind of a competition,” I said plainly. “Even in the royal brood, we had countless hearings to mediate disputes for the smaller groups. Especially those discounting the importance of having a beta.”
“We’re different,” he said with a shrug. Something shadowed his eyes, and I hated that I couldn’t remember the things I used to know about him. “We all come from some sort of bullshit, and it’s hard to find faults in each other when the world around you has shown you its darkest sides.”
“But I thought Niko came from a stable home life?” I questioned. It felt nosy, but I wanted to know what made my guys tick. If he thought it was a question too far, he didn’t show it. He simply loaded up a plate and set it on the coffee table before falling onto the couch beside me. His hand went to my thigh, and he turned my way as if bracing me for what was to come.
“Niko was the Arch Mage’s favorite, which meant he was the first guard at most scenes. Yes, we worked together, but sometimes his excursions were solo. More than once, he came back from them quiet and fuming. It would take either a spar session with Kane or a night with Levi to get him back.”
“Oh,” I said quietly, my heart aching for this man I was still getting to know. He’d seemed so sweet; I couldn't imagine what that monster forced him to do and see.
“Don’t worry, he’s not a killer. Niko isn’t the type of man to take orders and hurt someone. More than likely, he was there to track down people the Arch Mage wanted to throw into prison. That was usually the fate of those who crossed him, though he did hold some public executions a few times. We were powerless to stop him. The Arch Mage always had evidence against his enemies. Now, we know that it was likely made up so he could gain their magic, but back then…”
He sounded so down that I snuggled in closer. The Arch mage had found the four most loyal and protective men and used that against them. If I didn’t already have a reason to hate the man, this would be enough to convince me, but right now we needed a distraction before either of our thoughts could get darker than they already are.
“So... What movie were you thinking?” That had a grin taking over again. With his goatee and wolfish smile, he looked downright devilish.
“It’s a bit old. But do you remember watchingThe Grudge? I’m a sucker for those kinds of movies, and it’s got some decent backstory to it,” he explained excitedly. Even if I had seen it, I’d probably lie just so I didn’t bring down his excitement.
“I don't even think I know what it's about,” I admitted. He was practically bouncing with excitement now, and I couldn’t help but laugh.
Avi got up and turned off all the lights, so the only ones we had were the fire and tv. He threw a blanket over us and settled back beside me.
The falling snow outside grabbed my attention as he turned the movie on. I couldn't help but wonder if our attacker was out there, lurking in the night, glancing in our windows and following every move. He had been elusive, but I knew it wasn’t over. He was close, waiting for the right time. I just wish I knew when the right time would be.
But West, Kylan, and my guys had spelled the fuck out of this place from Mountainview to our small cabin. We were safe, and that had to be enough for now. Avi finally got the movie started, and I snuggled back in again. Just as he’d warned me, the movie was super creepy. It had jump scares almost from the beginning, and I found myself glued to the screen.
“Oh god, why are you opening the attic door?!” I screeched out, hiding my face halfway behind a blanket in case I needed quick cover. He snorted out a laugh and held me tight. At least he wasn’t judging my commentary. What was the point of a scary movie if you couldn’t be outraged at the stupid stuff the characters did?
As the movie went on, I pressed closer to his side. It was one of those slow-build scary movies where they had enough backstory and creepy shit to keep the tension rising in your chest.
I had glanced over at him and was just turning back to the screen when something popped out from behind the main girl. The scream that tore from me had Avi throwing his popcorn in surprise, jumping up as if he were ready to defend me from whatever unknown thing was after me. We both blinked at each other before cracking up. I was laughing so hard I had tears running down my cheeks, and my stomach hurt from the force of it.
Reaching over, I paused the movie so we didn't miss anything. “Okay, I have to pee, and we need a snack break,” I announced as I shook out my limbs, needing to shake out some of the tension the movie had built up in me.
“Won't that just ruin the mood?” he teased.
“No,” I assured him. “I’ll still be a baby in five minutes when we start it over again.” He chuckled to himself as he stretched his own stiff limbs out. Before I could walk into the bathroom, I noticed he was checking the windows. The second his hand touched the glass, a purple glow lit up the runes hiding in plain sight.I’m glad I'm not the only paranoid one.Even though they knew we were protected, they were checking our safeguards anyway. It made me feel safer, more secure.
After a quick break, we started the movie again. Things only seemed to become more intense, and I was astronomically glad that I didn't have long black hair. Avi’s hand moved back to my thigh, and he absently started to tease slow circles on my thigh. He might not have realized what he was doing, but it was very hard to focus on the movie when he touched me like that.
By the time it ended, I felt like I could take a full breath. “Holy shit. That movie was so good,” I said, glancing over at him.
“Right? It never gets enough credit,” he huffed. It was adorable how intensely he loved the movie.
As he ranted about the movie, his hand started teasing me again. I surprised us both by throwing the blanket off and straddling his thighs, shutting him up by slamming my mouth to his. He didn’t complain. In fact, his hand kneaded my ass as he gave the affection back as intensely as I was giving it.
My fingers dug into his shoulder as I steadied myself, grinding against his hard bulge. His mouth opened in a gasp, and I took that moment to tease my tongue along his, begging him to give me more. This wouldn't be a sweet reconnection; I needed him too much for that.
Finally, he pulled back from me, his hands tugging at my shirt and tossing it aside, then he expertly unhooked the clasp of my bra so it could join my crumpled shirt on the floor.
Avi leaned forward and captured one peaked nipple in his mouth. I gasped when he bit down before soothing it with his tongue. He gave both of my full breasts attention, squeezing them together before tasting every inch of them. The entire time he was licking and biting his way over my chest, I was grinding down on him, seeking friction.
“Clothes off,” he declared. “I need to bury this cock deep inside of you, omega.” HIs voice was husky with need, and I moved off of him, shedding my shorts and panties in seconds.
This time, it was my turn to appreciate him. Avi was all lean muscle. His six-pack dipped down to a deep v. His hard cock jutted out invitingly, already leaking precum. That was all I needed to see to throw him back on the couch and climb on top of him again. I didn’t hesitate to sink down on his waiting cock, sighing as he filled me.
“Fuck,” I groaned as my nails dug into his shoulders again.