Page 97 of Only Him (Only One 1)
“Fuck off,” I throw at him as Everleigh rushes us toward the door.
“If you leave, I promise you’ll regret this,” he warns as I walk outside. The warm air feels amazing on my skin. The front door slamming behind us startles me, and I’m tempted to look over my shoulder, but Everleigh maintains her fast pace toward her car that she’s left running.
She opens the passenger door, and I climb inside. As the adrenaline subsides, I begin to break down, overwhelmed by my emotions. He has no idea how much I regret agreeing to marry him. Everleigh hops in the driver’s side, and my body begins to shake. She glances at my torn dress and frowns. Seconds later, she backs out of the driveway. Silence fills the ride to her house, which I’m grateful for.
When we pull into Everleigh’s driveway, she turns and looks at me. “I know this is a stupid question, but are you okay?”
I clear my throat and find my inner strength. “I’m not sure,” I say honestly. “I’m safe tonight, thanks to you, but I don’t know how Robert will retaliate tomorrow.”
Wakingup in Lawton Ridge without a target on my back is such a relief. Now that it’s starting to feel like home again, I actually miss it when I’m gone. It just sucks that Gemma can hardly stand being around me. Ever since we lost control with each other two weeks ago and she said it was a huge mistake, things between us have been awkward. It doesn’t help that her fiancé hates me, and she constantly makes excuses for his behavior. Though my heart says otherwise, keeping my distance is the best decision for us both.
I last saw Gemma five days ago. Just when the tension started to evaporate between us, Ruby showed up, and I saw the jealousy written on Gemma’s face. I have no idea what to expect when I see her today, but maybe if I pretend everything’s fine, she’ll actually talk to me again.
After Everleigh picked me up from the airport last night, I could tell something was wrong. She looked exhausted as if she’d hadn’t been sleeping. Of course, my sister was sealed like a vault and claimed it was nothing, but I knew better.
This morning, I skipped the gym and slept in because I am still drained from the weekend. It was awesome seeing Liam and Maddie. Though I’m not sure when I’ll visit again, I hope it’s sooner than later. When I walk into work, Gemma’s behind the counter typing away on the computer.
Immediately, I head toward the coffee and fill a cup.
“You’re back,” she mutters, but I can’t read her expression.
I feel bad for not telling her I’d be gone, but we weren’t exactly on speaking terms. Considering I can’t forget how sweet she tasted and how tight her pussy squeezed my fingers, it takes all my willpower not to stare at her mouth and replay the memory in my mind.
“I am.” I grab some sugar, needing the extra boost. “Ya miss me?”
Smirking, I turn around, and when her bloodshot gaze meets mine, I can tell she’s been crying. The dark circles under her eyes are prevalent, and her cheeks are blotchy. While she’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, she looks like someone ran over her dog. When I add in how Everleigh was acting last night, I’m concerned.
“Gemma,” I murmur and walk toward her. “Are you okay? What happened?” Leaning over the counter, I check her body for marks.
Tears well in her eyes as she shakes her head.
“Did he hit you?” My stomach tightens at the thought of that asshole laying another finger on her.
“No,” she whispers, glancing around to make sure Jerry isn’t listening.
“Tell me,” I demand.
Gemma swallows hard, then bows her head. I watch as she wipes away the tears that unintentionally spill over. “Not here. After work?” When she composes herself and lifts her head, I notice how broken she is.
“Sure. You want me to come over so we can talk in private?”
My blood boils as I imagine what that fucker did to her. I’ve never seen her this upset, and the urge to find and use him as a human punching bag takes over.
Gemma licks her lips. “You sure that’d be appropriate? Your girlfriend wouldn’t mind?”
I arch a brow. “Girlfriend?” This is news to me.
“Ruby,” she clarifies. “Or whatever she is to you.”
Brushing a hand over my scruffy jaw, I hide the amused smirk behind my fingers. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure she’ll be cool with it.” It’s comical, considering Ruby would be far more interested in her or my sister. Too bad she can’t see that Ruby and I are only friends and the only woman I want is sitting in front of me.
Gemma nods. “I should meet you at Everleigh’s. It’s not safe for you to come to my house.”