Page 61 of Only Him (Only One 1)
“It could, especially with all the dating apps and stuff. What about forums? Reddit is popular. I think it’s possible. Now shush.” She smirks, then winks at me.
Is she flirting?Gemma shifts, and her knee touches mine. The heat from her skin nearly burns a hole through my skin, but I don’t move. I wonder if she feels the strong tug of electricity that’s pulling us together, or if I’m just imagining it. Perhaps it’s never left us. Not even time could change what we have, regardless if we’re too fucking stubborn to admit it. We should be able to hang out together as friends, despite our past, or the fact she’s moved on. However, my biggest concern is that eventually, it’ll all come to a head. Both of us will be powerless to deny our attraction, but it’ll be too late.
I tell myself I’m imagining everything, knowing I can’t act on it, but when I see her pulse thumping in her neck, there’s no way it’s not real. Needing to distance myself for a moment, I stand and grab a bottle of water.
“Want one?” I hold it up, and she nods.
I hand it to her, making sure to create more space between us when I sit, though I think she notices.
We continue watching the movie in silence. Gemma’s nearly in tears when Tom Hanks shows up at the end with his dog, Brinkley. She lets out an aww when they kiss, and it makes me smile.
Once the credits roll, she yawns, which quickly makes me, too.
“Damn, you gotta stop that,” I say with a chuckle, yawning again.
“Sorry, I can’t help it,” she says around another one, and we both laugh. It’s getting late, and we both have to be up early for work in the morning.
“Thanks for hanging out with me,” she says, adjusting the pillow on the couch and grabbing the quilt Everleigh threw over the back.
“Anytime.” I smile and wonder how many nights Robert has denied spending time with her. Probably happens more often than not. What a dumbass. He clearly doesn’t know what he’s missing, or perhaps he just doesn't care.
“You should take my bed,” I suggest. “It’s nice and comfy, and the only thing you have to deal with is Sassy waking you up around three a.m. to go outside.”
Gemma giggles. “No way, I couldn’t.”
“Yes way, you can. You’re the guest of the evening. Might as well get a good night’s rest.”
She shakes her head, and I’m sure I won’t be able to convince her to trade with me, but I try anyway.
“I’m perfectly fine. I’ve passed out after too many drinks on this couch more times than I can count. I sink into it just like a cloud.” She lies back and shows me.
“Have you always been this stubborn?” I ask firmly, but I’m grinning at how cute she looks.
“Ever since I was a teen,” she throws back.
When our eyes meet for a moment, many unspoken words stream between us. I imagine walking over to her and sliding my lips against hers, tasting her tongue and the leftover margarita. I want to tell her how goddamn beautiful and perfect she is as I swoop my arms under her body and carry her to my bed. I’d slowly undress her, making sure to take in every smooth inch of her. I’d feather kisses along the softness of her skin and—
Fuck. Before I completely lose myself, I shake my head and push those thoughts away.
“What?” Her question pulls me from the fantasy of it all.
“Nothing. Just exhausted.”
She sits up. “Liar! Now you have to tell me.”
I grab my bottle of water off the coffee table. “I don’t think so. That’s a trap just waiting to happen.”
She snorts. “A trap? Okay, maybe I don’t want to know, but it was something.”
Gemma carefully watches me, and I lift an eyebrow at her. “Itwassomething, but I’ll keep it to myself. I am a gentleman, after all.”
I walk closer, adjust the blanket over her body, then brush a loose strand of hair from her face before placing a kiss on her forehead.
“Good night, Gemma. My bed’s waiting for you if you change your mind,” I say.
She swallows hard with wide eyes.
“No.Shit.That totally came out wrong. I mean, if you want totrade.” I nervously laugh, and she does too, but I also notice the blush on her cheeks. “Okay, good night!”