Page 65 of Better Man (Lesser 2)
“Quiet,” she said against my lips.
I started to rock into her, but the bed creaked when I moved too much. It forced me to slow my pace, to keep our bodies close and tight. Our breaths became the loudest noises we made, and there was nothing we could do to sheathe them.
She was folded underneath me, nails sharp against my shoulder blades, her hips working to meet my thrusts in silent unison. She pulled me close and breathed next to my mouth, her breaths slowly rising to writhing whispers. “God, you feel so good…”
I suppressed my moan as best as I could, but it came out as a loud breath.
She tugged on me tighter, her hand dragging down my back until she held on to one cheek. She yanked me into her, forcing me to speed up so she could take my dick how she wanted. The bed creaked. The headboard quietly hit the wall. She heard all of it, but she still tugged on me anyway.
“Yes…yes.” Her head rolled back, and she whimpered in pleasure, squeezing tears out of her eyes. Her breaths rose to moans. Moans that were distinct and loud, possibly loud enough to be audible outside the door.
My mouth sealed over hers, and I kissed her, tasted her tears, swallowed the pleasure my throbbing dick provided.
She moaned through her kisses, sliced up my back like she was trying to climb a mountain with her bare hands. We rocked together the whole way, and I couldn’t wait for her performance to finish before I released. With my mouth still on hers, I came. I filled her with the load I’d been anxious to give her the last two hours.
The climax came and went, but her lips still caressed mine. The kiss continued as her fingers made their way into my hair. She pulled the strands gently as she gave me her tongue, as she kissed me like the night had just begun rather than ended. She could kiss as good as she could fuck, and I found myself ready to go again.
“Fuck me again…just like that.”
When the fun was done, she lay there like she could fall asleep. Her sexy body was on top of the bed, all her curves on display in the limited streetlight that came through the closed curtains from the window above her bed. My shoulder was her pillow, and my body was her heater.
I knew I should leave, but it was hard to walk away from a woman like that.
When her breathing deepened, I knew she’d fallen asleep.
Didn’t want to be a dick, but I had to. “Sweetheart.”
Her eyes flashed open immediately.
“I should get going.”
“You’re right.” She sat upright, her hair falling down her back. “Whenever I’m with you, I’m out like a light. But when I’m alone, I’m an insomniac…” She ran her fingers through her hair, flipping it to the other side. Her eyes were tired, her makeup smeared from the sweat and the sleep.
“Why can’t you sleep?” I sat up next to her, pressing a kiss to the back of her shoulder.
“Can’t turn off my mind, I guess.” She left the bed, her petite frame moving to the clothes she’d tossed. She pulled her thong over her perfect ass then turned to me, perky tits on display.
How did a woman look like that after having two babies?
She clasped her bra closed behind her back and pulled the straps over her shoulders. “So, what made you want to stop by tonight?”
A slight smirk moved on to her lips. “Had to be more than that.”
I held her gaze, thinking about the conversation with my father. “Rough night.”
“And rough nights make you horny.”
“More like lonely.”
She pulled her shirt over her head and looked at me, her eyes softened with pity. “I get lonely too.”
“I don’t see how a mother of two does.”
“I’m their mother. Not their friend.” She sat beside me on the bed, fully dressed while I was still naked. “And even with a nanny, being a mother is hard. Really hard. It would be nice to have someone to share it with. Someone who cares about all those little things.”
“You mean it would be nice to have a man.”
“I guess.”
“You could find someone if you broke your rule.”
She stared ahead, her mind far away. “I don’t know…”
“You’re beautiful, Elise. You could have any man you wanted.”
She turned to look at me, her eyes searching my gaze. “You think?”
“Even with what I do for a living?”
“I think it’s irrelevant. Assuming you aren’t still doing it.”
She looked away again.
Right now, she was a very different woman than I remembered. She was usually feisty and abrasive, no-nonsense and no emotion. And now she said things I could hardly believe. “I can’t afford my life without this job. I’m stuck.”
“Your man will provide what you need.”