Page 12 of Better Man (Lesser 2)
He usually started off nice and slow, savoring the feeling of our slick bodies as they moved together. But now, he fucked me like a jackhammer into concrete. It was hard and fast right from the get-go, his ass and lower back working hard to fuck me into the corner of the couch.
It was hot.
He wanted me so much, he couldn’t contain himself, couldn’t stop because his need was so paramount. He pounded me like it was a race to the finish line, but he had no opponents. It took less than a minute for him to finish, his eyes locked on mine as he gave a deep moan. He barely stopped for a breath, barely savored the satisfaction before he kept going, albeit at a slower pace. With his come inside me and his arms wrapped around me, he gave me deep and even strokes, his dick just as hard as it’d been from the beginning.
My knees were against my chest and squeezing either side of his torso as I lay there and took it, my body grinding against the fabric of the couch. My hand gripped his ass and tugged him deep inside, rocking with him, so close to the finish, I could already feel the tears in my eyes. “Yes…”
His eyes were locked on mine, so possessive they almost looked angry. He rocked his hips a little more, getting the friction right against my clit. “Camille.” He said my name in his own way, with a depth that couldn’t be recreated, with an affection that was subtle but binding.
My knees squeezing his body and my nails deep in his ass, I came with a quiet scream. The dam behind my eyes burst, and the tears streaked down my cheeks. Everything felt hot, like lava in my veins. It’d been so long since I’d writhed like this that I’d nearly forgotten how good it was. Forgotten how much I hated him.
He followed right behind me, the sight of my tears making him release almost immediately after the first drop fell. His hips continued to grind when we were both finished, his cock slowly deflating to its original size. We both felt the lingering effects of the high and clung to it a little longer by staying together.
But then, all the anger and resentment slowly returned…and I remembered how much he’d hurt me. I didn’t look at him the same, and I knew he noticed the change because his eyes changed too. They turned guarded, a bit wounded. He finally moved off me, and without a second glance or another word, he pulled up his bottoms and left.
I pulled the necklace out of the box. The diamond in the center was the focal point, carved into the shape of a heart, a quality so flawless, it was one of the rarest diamonds I’d ever seen. It’d been stored in my secret vault for many years, reserved for instances just like this—when business wasn’t great.
Setting up a site could take weeks, but usually months. We had two mines that had been detonated, so all that time had led to nothing. And now we had to start over, putting our operation three months behind schedule.
I couldn’t let the world suspect something was amiss, so I pulled out my most spectacular diamonds to prove my business hadn’t been affected by my petty hardships with Grave. “May I?” I unclasped the necklace and held it up for her to see.
Her eyes had been lifeless a moment ago, but now they lit up in wonder and hesitation. She faced the other direction then scooped up her long hair so I could fasten the necklace around her slender throat. She was in a backless dress, the small muscles of her back petite but tight. Once it was secure, she let her hair down again.
I remained behind her, staring at her nectarine ass as it plumped against the tight fabric of her dress. Her skin was so soft, she smelled like roses, and her hair practically begged my fist to grab it.
The urge came over me, so I moved my arm around her waist to her front and pressed my flattened palm against her little stomach. I felt her diaphragm extend when she sucked in a sudden breath. With my chest to her back, I dipped my head and pressed a kiss to her shoulder. The breath slowly released from her lungs. I could feel her stomach deflate against my palm.
I wanted to squeeze her tighter, press another kiss to that delectable skin, but she stepped forward and left my embrace, clearing her throat as she moved away. “Should we be going?” Her palm didn’t strike my cheek, but it sure felt like it did.
I stared at her until she met my look.
She fidgeted with her bracelet, looked at anything except me, wasting time intentionally.