Page 38 of Shifting Forms For Clumsy Felines
"I think I finally decided what to do about Jeremy," I admit.
"Ah. Break his heart or jump his bones?"
"Neither." Though the latter is an appealing suggestion, not that I'm about to tell the mischievous pixie about that.
"Right, well you can jump his bones after we've performed."
"I didn't say that's what I was going to do."
"Then stop biting your lip as if you're thinking about what he looks like naked."
"What? I'm not doing either of those things." Though actually, I am biting my lip.
Our conversation is cut short when we reach the rest of our team and find Zara pacing back and forth looking as if she's about to hurt someone.
It seems Grace made the right decision in dragging me back over here. Zara is stern at the best of times, but it seems like she's in an even stricter mood than normal.
"What happened?" I ask Jazz.
The other shifter shrugs. "As far as we can tell one of the other captains taunted her because she fell last year."
"Ouch, not good." I can only imagine how hard that has to be for Zara.
"Just another reason to win," Jazz responds.
"I thought we were supposed to say that winning doesn't matter and it's the taking part that counts," I say.
Jazz snorts. "I don't know what kind of cheer captains you've been working under before, but I don't think any of the ones I've known have ever been about anything other than winning."
"Fair point," I murmur.
"All right, team, listen up," Zara calls.
We all fall silent and turn to face her. It's impossible to miss the stress on her face. She wants this, and that's why we're going to make it happen.
"It's a tough competition today. Some of the other teams we're up against have several past wins under their belts. But if we do our routine exactly the way we've practised it, then we're going to be able to make this happen. Hands in."
Zara holds out her hand and waits for all of us to follow suit, feeling more like a team than ever. And this is the moment we get to prove it.
The more teamstake to the floor, the more nervous I am about the Obscure Academy cheer squad's chances of winning. I've watched them from a distance several times, and seen them cheering us on at matches, so I know they're good, but are theythisgood?
Up until now, I've never really considered whether there's more to cheerleading than just what they do to support the sports team playing, but it turns out that there is.
A lot more.
"How have we not been to one of these before?" Dylan asks, putting an arm around Cyprus.
"Is it the short skirts or the women who are well out of your league that you're admiring the most?" The necromancer answers.
Dylan chuckles. "Both."
"Are we sure Krissi does this?" Cyprus asks. "She seems more of the sweet and innocent type."