Page 36 of Shifting Forms For Clumsy Felines
I nod my large head, encouraging her to continue.
She jumps again, managing to stay on the stones for a second time. I can almost feel her excitement from here.
I know there's a good chance this isn't going to last, but Krissi doesn't seem like the kind of person who will let a little bit of failure get her down. She'll be focusing on what she actually managed to achieve more than what she didn't.
And if she struggles with that, I'll be there to remind her of just how amazing she is.
Giddy nerves fillme as we walk into the room full of cheerleaders. There's nothing like competition day, even if I'm not convinced we have what it takes to actually win.
Grace hooks her arm through mine. "It feels different, doesn't it?" she asks.
"What does?"
"Walking in here when we know we'll be competing against people we previously competed with. There are some people I'm looking forward to finally being able to beat, but there are others who I'm sad at the thought of having to make fail."
"I know what you mean. But I'm still excited."
"Same. I think we have a good chance at winning."
"You do?"
She nods. "With how hard Zara's been drilling us, how can we not? You've got to think like a winner to be a winner, Krissi."
"If you say so."
"Well if you can't believe it yourself, then I'll have to believe it for you." She closes her eyes. "Krissi is a winner, Krissi is a winner," she mutters to herself.
I bat her on the arm. "You can stop that now."
"Fine, but only if you start having more faith in the team," she counters. "Though maybe it doesn't matter." Her lips curl into a smile.
"Look." She nods in the direction of a group of people I recognise.
My breathing hitches as I recognise the tall, auburn-haired guy at the centre of the group.
"So I suppose the question is whether some of your flatmates came because Jeremy asked them to, or did Jeremy come because they did?" Grace muses.
"I don't think it matters," I admit, unable to take my eyes off my friends.
"Come on, let's go say hi."
"Isn't paying any attention to us, she's too busy throwing down with the other captain." She gestures to where that does seem to be taking place while dragging me towards the others.
I don't mind too much, I'm glad they've come to support us, a lot of people don't necessarily see cheering as something to watch as a spectator.
"Hey, guys," Grace says, waving. "I didn't realise you were coming, Krissi didn't tell me."
"That's because we didn't tell Krissi," Mickie responds. "It was a last-minute thing. Jeremy asked us to come." She throws him a look that I don't think he notices.
But I do. And I know what it means.