Page 22 of Shifting Forms For Clumsy Felines
"That's like asking where a harpy stores their wings."
"In their backs, I imagine. But that's a whole other factor to take into account. Harpies are connected to their wings in a way we're not to our forms. We fully shift when we change into our animals. They don't."
I frown. What he's saying makes sense, even if I think it's a little strange to look at things that way.
"Do you have some paper?" he asks.
"Sure." I scoot around on my desk chair and lean over, not realising quite how close it would bring the two of us.
We're barely inches apart, and neither of us moves. There's something in his eyes that invites me in and makes me feel as if he sees me in a way not many people have before.
I'm not sure which of us makes the first move, but suddenly his hand is cupping my cheek and his lips are pressed against mine.
I lose myself in the moment, my whole body tingling with the excitement of a first kiss. I've thought about what kissing Jeremy would be like more times than I want to admit, but somehow this is so much better than I ever imagined.
Except that I'm not supposed to be kissing him. I'm supposed to be keeping things friendly so they don't get confused between us.
I pull away, breaking the kiss and leaving both of us sitting there with somewhat confused expressions on our faces.
"I'm sorry," he says.
I shake my head. "Don't be."
I don't know what he's going to say, but I'm sure I won't be able to hear it without crumbling and ending up going back on everything I promised myself when I first arrived at Obscure Academy. "I need to go," I mumble, grabbing my phone and heading towards the door.
"Krissi, we should talk about this."
"Not now." Pain lances through my heart at ignoring him. I don't want him to think the kiss was bad, that's the kind of confession that leads me to follow my heart instead of my head.
"I'm sorry. I need to go," I repeat. I need to talk to Grace, even if I already know what she's going to say. Putting some distance between me and Jeremy is almost as important as talking through how I feel.
"It's your room," he reminds me.
But it's too late, I'm out of the door and hurrying away. I don't even stop to type a message out to my friend. I'm sure she'll forgive me when I turn up at her door unannounced.
Though she may not be the best person to turn to for advice when she seems very into the idea of me dating Jeremy.
I push the thought aside and focus on putting as much distance between me and the handsome tiger shifter I abandoned in my room, all while trying to ignore the way my lips are tingling with the echo of our kiss.
There's probably no coming back from this, and I don't know how to deal with that.
Mud coatsall of the rugby players from head to toe thanks to last night's rain. But that isn't enough to disguise which of them is Jeremy.
I wish it was the football team playing today, except that I know Grace would have hated that. She claims it's demoralising for us to cheer for a team that always loses.
She's not wrong. The Obscure Academy football team leaves a lot to be desired in terms of how well they can actually play, unlike both the rugby and basketball teams.
"There's no chance they're going to beat us," Grace says from beside me, her blue and white cheerleading uniform matching the rest of the team's.
"Not with the score like that," I respond, nodding to the board displaying it. The Obscure team is so ahead that there's no chance the team from Sabre Woods Academy can catch up. For a team made up of powerful big cat shifters, they haven't been tough competition.
Though the game is played by the human rules, so I don't suppose it matters much what they can shift into.