Page 15 of Shifting Forms For Clumsy Felines
They wave and disappear, probably wanting to avoid their food getting cold.
"I'll see you for breakfast," Jeremy says.
"It's a date." I wince as soon as the words are out of my mouth, realising this is exactly what Michaela means about giving off mixed signals.
There's no taking them back. Whatever happens, I'm looking forward to breakfast with him.
Once I've completely sobered up, I'm going to have to do some serious thinking about what I want. But for now, I need to sleep.
My alarm blares out,waking me from a surprisingly deep slumber. I open my eyes slowly, fully expecting there to be a headache and the other signs of the alcohol consumption of the night before.
Luckily for me, I seem to have escaped hangover-free, probably because of the ill-advised shift on the way home.
I let out a soft groan. What made me think that was a good idea?
I throw the covers off and quickly shower and dress. Normally, I'd probably go to the kitchen without doing that, but I'm conscious that I'll be having breakfast with Jeremy.
Maybe that should be an indication of something, but I don't have the time to dwell on it right now.
No one else is around when I get to the kitchen, probably because they're either at their lectures already, or they're in their rooms nursing their heads.
I lay out all of my ingredients and fill the kettle with water while humming to myself.
The door creaks and I glance over my shoulder to see Jeremy walking in, looking surprisingly clear-headed.
Which makes sense now I think about it, he shifted too.
"Morning," he says cheerfully.
"Morning," I respond.
"Want me to make tea while you cook?"
Ah, so he's noticed that I've already started prepping. "Sounds good."
He grabs our mugs and starts to make the drinks while I turn my attention to the meat.
"How's your hangover?" he asks.
"Pretty much non-existent," I admit.
"Probably a result of the shift."
"I still can't believe I did that. I've never been the kind of shifter who did things like that," I lament.
Jeremy chuckles. "Alcohol does funny things to people."
"Even so. It's driven into us our entire lives that we're supposed to keep these things off the streets." I crack a couple of eggs and drop them into a mug so I can whisk them up before remembering two of us are eating and adding a couple more.
"There are loads of shifters who flout those laws."
"Yeah, the foxes or birds. They're not going to get caught running around. Someone's going to notice if a leopard starts walking down the street in the middle of Yorkshire."
He gives an amused laugh. "That's fair. But humans know about us."