Page 1 of Shifting Forms For Clumsy Felines
The welcome fairis buzzing with activity and various students calling for the freshers to join one society or another. I pay them no attention. I know exactly where I'm going and what I want to sign up for. All I need to do is find where they are. My ears prick as a whistle sounds and my whole body stands to attention as I wait for the cheer captain to call out what formation she wants us in. Until I realise I'm not a cheerleader at Obscure Academy.
At least, I'm not yet. Once I sign up and get through tryouts, that will change. And I've no doubt I'll manage. I may not be particularly graceful in my shifted form, but my human one can out-cartwheel anyone.
Even over the din of hundreds of students chatting and laughing, I can hear the cheers calling out to the part of me that lives to compete.
Now all I need to do is get to them so I can sign up.
"Hey." A tall guy with auburn hair waves at me. "It's Krystal, right?"
Eurgh, why does someone here already know my full name?
"I prefer Krissi," I correct him. "But yes. I'm sorry, I don't know your name." I can already feel my cheeks flaring with embarrassment.
"That's okay. I'm Jeremy. We live in the same flat."
"We do?" Oops. Maybe not the best thing to say. I always get like this around people I think are attractive, and there's no denying Jeremy is that.
And ripped. He's wearing a shirt, but I know athletes when I see them, and he definitely is one. Maybe I'll end up cheering for him at some point.
He smiles reassuringly at me. "We do. I saw your picture on the fridge."
"Ah." Which now seems like both a good idea, and a little bit of a creepy one. Only one of the others had put their photo up when I placed mine in the spot with my name. It's supposed to help us all recognise each other out and about, but I don't think it's working very well. "Are you a fresher too?"
He shakes his head. "I'm a second year."
"Doesn't it bother you that you've ended up sharing a flat with a group of freshers?" I barely want to share with first years, and I am one.
He shrugs. "Not really. Things don't get too serious until third year here."
"I'll take your word for it," I mumble.
"Have you signed up for anything yet?"
"I was looking for the cheer squad," I admit.
"I can take you over and introduce you to Zara if you want?" he offers.
For a moment, I think about saying no, but why should I? He seems nice, and we're going to be living together anyway. Besides, it's always good to be introduced to the captain by someone she knows.
"That sounds good. Are you sure you can leave?" I gesture to the stall he seems to be manning, only just realising it saysObscure Academy Rugby Teamon the banner.
I guess I know what kind of athlete he is now. He certainly looks broad enough to be a rugby player.
"It's not a problem," he assures me. "Charlie, Steve, I'm just going to take Krissi over to see Zara."
One of the guys he calls to waves at him, acknowledging his words.
"They're going to let you just abandon your booth like that?" I ask.
He shrugs. "It's one of the advantages of being part of a team, there's always enough people."
"Unless you all come down with a mysterious illness," I retort. "It happened several times to our school's team."
Jeremy chuckles. "Let's guess, it always happened after a house party?"