Page 42 of Flor's Fiasco
What is changing? And why?
* * *
We don’t seeany other metlaks for the rest of the day. Their appearance has changed the mood, though. We’re no longer having a lovely jaunt into the mountains. Now we walk in silence, worried that rounding the next corner might mean some new sort of issue. There’s a lovely safety in just a normal sort of day, and with two strange occurrences in such a short timeframe, I can’t be the only one that’s worrying.
Close to sunset, we change directions, leaving the valley we walk through for a spot tucked away in the cliffs. It’s a hunter cave, full of supplies—blankets, dried food, and the markings of a cache nearby. This particular cave is spacious but narrow, with a chamber in the front and one at the back, where I see the remains of an old fire pit. Daisy volunteers to start a fire and make some tea, and I supervise, even as I watch I’rec and O’jek out of the corner of my eye. They’re discussing the situation in low voices at the front of the cave, and I can tell just by the way that I’rec’s tail lashes that he doesn’t like whatever conclusion they come to.
O’jek returns to the back of the cave after a moment and presses a kiss atop Daisy’s head. “Was it easier to start the fire this time, my heart?”
“I’m getting better,” she tells him enthusiastically, beaming up at him. “Tea is next.”
He smiles at her, rubbing his thumb over her cheek, and then tilts his head toward the front of the cave. “I will take watch, just in case there are more metlaks in this direction. Call my name if you need me.”
I discreetly turn away as she gives him an adoring look, because they’re getting a little too cozy for comfort and it seems rude to stare. Instead, I watch I’rec as he stomps into the back of the cave and makes himself busy with unrolling furs. I know that mood of his. He’s pissy because someone disagreed with him and he didn’t get his way.
Luckily for him (and Daisy and O’jek), I’m getting better at defusing his temper. I get to my feet and move to his side. Yeah, he’s super grumpy, tugging at the leather straps that hold the furs rolled closed with his knife as if they personally offend him. I slide my arms around his shoulders, leaning over him. I whisper into his ear, “I think it’s already dead.”
I’rec pauses, staring down at the furs in front of him. His shoulders shake, and then he wheezes with laughter.
Mood? Defused. And how awesome do I feel that I can make him laugh like that? I chuckle and nip at the side of his ear. “Don’t be grumpy. What did O’jek say to get you all upset?”
He sighs. “I said we should follow the metlaks. See if there are more signs of what they are fleeing. He wants to continue on to the Ancestors’ Cave. He says it is safest and D’see will be a big help there.”
“You trust O’jek, don’t you?” I scratch lightly at his chest. When he nods, I ask, “So are you just annoyed that he’s not listening to you? Or is it something more?”
I’rec hesitates, then gives me a disgruntled look. “I find him annoying because everything he says begins with ‘D’see.’” He makes a face. “D’see is tired, we should stop early. D’see likes this trail mix, not the other one. D’see wants to make the fire.”
Now I’m the one that’s fighting back giggles. “Are you annoyed that your best friend resonated? How do you think you sound to him?”
“Well,” he huffs. “I would not suggest that we stop early if you are tired, because I would carry you.”
I thump his shoulder, chuckling. “You would not.”
“I would! And I know you will eat everything I put in front of you—” He barks with laughter as I try to swat at him again. There’s a wide grin on his face as he avoids my mock-slapping hands, and I realize he’s teasing me back…and I like it. “What?” he jokes. “I did not speak lies. You were just chewing on my ear!”
“You are going to sleep alone tonight if this keeps up.” I fight back laughter, trying to be angry.
“No, I will not.” He takes my hands in his and wraps me around him again, like I’m his cloak. “Because F’lor likes to put her cold fingers between my legs when she sleeps. And F’lor likes to snore when she lies on top of me. And F’lor insists on kisses in the morning—”
This time I tickle him to shut him up.
It’s a little after dinner that I decide to enact my dastardly plan to toy with I’rec. In a way, I guess I’m testing him. If he wants to be my mate, truly, he’ll be down for some silly games. He’ll understand that my idea of foreplay is getting the upper hand and teasing him about it. If we’re truly meant to be together, he’ll play along with me. I hope.
So yeah, I guess I’m determined to see just how far his so-called “love” goes. Or if he’ll get annoyed with my clinginess, my sense of humor, my inability to be serious for long stretches, and go back to Tia, who will probably look up at him with doe eyes and watch him flex his muscles. Me, if he tries to flex a muscle at me, I’ll just crack up.
But really, I think I’rec needs someone to laugh with him and at him. Someone to keep him grounded and remind him that he doesn’t have to be right—or in control—all the time.
So I watch for my moment. O’jek comes in and sits by the fire for a few, praising Daisy for the tea she made and the roaring fire she has going. I sit next to I’rec on the floor across from them, and I shiver. “I’m still cold. You think you could get me a fur, I’rec?” I smile sweetly at my mate. “I’d love to just bundle up.”
My mate looks concerned. “We can put more fuel on the fire—”
“No no, a blanket would be lovely.” I point at one of the ones in the pile for our bedding that night. “That white one on top.”
He retrieves it for me, and then immediately offers me another piece of jerky. Ugh. I guess I have to eat that now, since every time he worries about me, he tries to feed me. I quickly scarf the jerky, chewing hard, and when he hands me the fur, I settle it across my knees and over my front, the edges of the fur on my shoulders. The other side, I drape over his lap.