Page 38 of Flor's Fiasco
“Okay, okay,” I say, interrupting before he can get too lewd…though I kinda appreciate the lewd. “I’m just saying that I don’t buy it yet. That’s all.”
“Then I will make you buy it. Whatever that means.” He pats the furs. “Come and sit. I will make you a meal before we go. You should eat.”
“Not hungry.”
His eyes gleam and he pats his chin. “Then come and sit.”
I laugh. How is it that such a surly man has such a good sense of humor? Why does that sly smile he gives me make my heart flip in my chest? I don’t know if I believe that he’s not in love with Tia anymore…but I guess I can sit on his face for another round before we head off on our journey.
A little extra pussy-licking never hurt anyone.
“Eat some more,” I tell my mate as we walk a short distance behind O’jek and D’see. The weather is good this day, which means it is easy travel for the human females. O’jek has taken the lead, his mate at his side, and I remain a bit farther back with my mate so we can spend time alone together. I know O’jek thinks the same, because I have seen him fuss over D’see with small touches and taps of his tail, and he constantly watches her.
I would tease him over it if I did not understand it so very well.
It has been a day of pleasurable travel so far. The snow is crisp and new, but not so deep that our steps get mired in it. The wind is in our favor, and I pick up the scents of game and nothing more as we travel through the valleys and cliffs of the rocky landscape. We do not go up into the mountains, but around the base, heading for the distant Ancestors’ Cave. I have been this way before once or twice out of curiosity, but never beyond the Ancestors’ Cave. It makes me think of the times I could have gone to Croatoan, but I was stubbornly waiting for T’ia to come to me. Foolishness. I see now that she is but a young girl, and I am no longer pulled by a young, silly girl.
I would much rather have the adult female at my side, one who knows herself and her body, and who is comfortable with who she is.
One who does not eat enough to feed an infant nightflyer, much to my chagrin. “Eat,” I tell her again as we walk. I shove the large chunk of jerky under her nose. “You do not eat enough.”
“Oh my god, I’rec, quit trying to stuff me full of food. We had lunch just a short time ago.” She makes a face at me, crossing her eyes. “I’m going to become as round as a balloon if you keep stuffing me full of food.”
“I should like that,” I tell her. “More of you to sit upon my face so I can feast.”
She bats my arm, chuckling, and then takes the jerky. With an exaggerated motion, she tears into it as if to saysee? She chews, and I watch her with satisfaction. F’lor is slender, and yet I am already imagining her body fat and rounded with my kit, her teats full and jiggling, her thighs and buttocks equally full. She is beautiful in all ways as it is, but it pleases me to feed her, to know I can provide for her. To know that she is taken care of. Plump thighs will mean she will never hunger as we did on the island, struggling to find enough game.
So I pull out another piece of jerky for her to eat after this one.
She chews as she walks, and glances over at me as she does. “What?”
“What do you mean, what?”
“You keep staring at me with that goofy look on your face.”
“What goo-fee look?”
“This one.” She puts a foolish smile on her face, mimicking me. When I snort with amusement, she continues, “Makes me think you’re getting a boner from watching me eat.”
“I am providing for my mate. She carries my kit. Both of these things fill me with joy. Of course I should smile.” It takes everything I have not to reach over and touch her flat stomach. “Soon we will have another Shadow Cat clan member. Our people will go on.”
She makes a face at my words. “Oh man. It sounds weird, but I totally forgot about the baby part of resonance.” She touches her belly with a worried expression, her steps slowing. “I’m not sure if I’m ready to be a mom. It’s a lot easier to be Tita Flor. Play with the kids and spoil them and then hand them back to the parents when they cry.”
I slow my pace to match hers. We are in no hurry. We will not reach the Ancestors’ Cave tonight, so there is no rush. I glance up ahead at O’jek, but he is lost in conversation with D’see, a goo-fee grin on his face as he gazes upon her. Is that how I look? As if the person standing next to me is the source of all happiness? Probably.
I do not mind it.
Turning back to F’lor, I offer her the second piece of jerky. “You will be an excellent mother. Worry not.”
She gives me a little smile. “You’re just saying that to get into my pants.”
“Your pants would not fit me,” I say, and then add, “but I would not mind if you rode my face again.”
F’lor bats at me with her hand again, but she is smiling. She looks up at me, her expression thoughtful. “You put your hair in a man-bun again.”