Page 14 of Flor's Fiasco
“This could take a while,” she whispers. “Resonance between you and me. Sometimes it takes longer than anticipated. Maybe we should go back and at least be at home for the rest of this. You can come stay in my hut.”
Her hut? “You should be in mine.”
“I don’t think so. You built it for Tia.”
I flinch at the reminder. She…is not wrong. I tried to create it in a way that would make T’ia smile. Hunting for the lighter pieces of wood because she said she liked that color best. Creating a deep hearth in the center and doubling the protective rocks because she is always worried about fire.
It all seems like a waste now. “We can stay in your hut, if you will have me.”
F’lor’s laughter bubbles up, helpless and tired. “Silly man, you act like we have a choice right now. We’re stuck together until resonance is done. Then, I guess, we can figure out what we want.”
She makes it sound as if things are not already decided. As if she can somehow walk away with my kit inside her? I hate the idea, and I hate the thought that she does not want to be with me. Perhaps she felt more strongly for R’jaal than I anticipated. Annoyed, I pluck the bag from her hand and set it aside. I pull her against me, my hand behind her neck, and I cover her soft mouth with mine.
She moans. “God, where’d you learn to kiss like that?”
F’lor grimaces and pats my cheek. “In the future? Don’t answer that sort of question.”
“Then do not ask,” I growl, irritated. I snag my hand in her mane and force her head back, exposing her soft neck. She has small marks here from my mouth, dark spots from when I sucked on her skin. She has told me they do not hurt, but the sight of them inflames me. I latch onto her neck again, sucking, as her arms go around me.”
“Are we….doing this again?” F’lor moans, arching up against me when I lick the spot on her skin that I just created.
I nuzzle her throat as my hand moves between her thighs. She spreads them automatically, and I press my fingers into the hot well of her body, making sure she is soft and ready before I mount her again. “We will mate again,” I promise between kisses on her throat. “And then we will return to the village. It is better we tell them than if they send someone out to find us.”
Because R’jaal will most likely volunteer, and I might attack him with jealous rage if he gets anywhere near F’lor.
After another rough but oh-so-good mating, we wash up quickly and then dress, readying to head back to Icehome Beach. I’m anxious over what we’re going to tell the others. I’m used to being the one that has all the gossip, not the one that the gossip is all about. But of course they’re going to talk about our resonance. We were all but paired off with other people, and then fate stepped in and bitch-slapped us.
“Here,” I’rec says as we step out of the cave. “Eat this.”
It’s another bag of travel rations. While Iama little hungry, I’m more thirsty than anything, and the last thing I want is more spicy travel food. “I’ll wait to eat until we get back.”
He shakes his head when I try to hand it back. “You will eat this.”
I make a face at him. “Fine. How do I look?” I run my fingers through my limp hair, hoping I don’t have a bird’s nest at the back of my skull from all the frenzied fucking we’ve been doing. “Will I pass muster?”
I’rec studies me with that scowly expression of concentration that is so uniquely him. “You are the most attractive female in the tribe.”
My jaw drops. That is…really sweet and unexpected. I was just hoping I didn’t look like a damn slutty mess when we returned to camp, but hearing that throws me for an absolute loop. “Oh. I…thank you.”
He grunts. “You asked. If you wish for me to praise your appearance, all you have to do is say so.”
I start to giggle wildly at that. Anyone else would find I’rec’s bluntness an absolute nightmare, but I like it. He’s always completely straightforward and doesn’t mince words, even if you want him to. He has no patience for bullshit, which also makes him delicious to tease. It’s why I keep using slang around him. He misinterprets it and it gives me a little burst of happiness each time. “You’re not such a blow-hard after all, are you.”
I’rec eyes me as if on to my game. “If anyone blows too hard, it is R’jaal. He lusts after you like a kaari in heat.”
I giggle harder. “You are too mean.” What does it say about me that I like it? Not that he’s being mean to R’jaal behind his back, but that he sounds so grumpily possessive while he says it. Like he’s jealous. It’s that jealous note in his voice that makes my heart giddy for some reason. I wave him forward. “Come here, anyhow. Before we set off I need to fix your hair.”
He touches his mane, frowning.
“You look like you spent all night fucking,” I point out. It looks that way because wedid, but I don’t want him rolling up into camp like that. “Let me do something with it for you.”
I’rec gives me another one of those grouchy looks but comes to my side and then bends down in the snow in front of me. My heart flutters, but I try to ignore it. Stupid khui is making my brain turn to mush. With one of the cut ties from my leggings still in my herb-gathering bag, I draw his hair together, using my fingers to smooth out stray locks. I pull it into a knot at the back of his head and then study my handiwork. It’s…not quite a man bun? It should look ridiculous, perhaps, but drawing his thick mane back from his face calls attention to his blunt, heavy features and makes him look ruggedly masculine and slightly feral. Like he’d fight a grizzly bear for even looking in your direction.