Page 14 of Daddy's Little Bird (Daddy 24)
He looked around and tried to see it from her perspective. He’d done a little work, but he’d been waiting for her to help make the place a home for themselves. He’d have her decorate the place as they got the rooms done.
As much as he wanted to be inside of her, he had to take care of her first. “Let’s get in the shower.”
Chapter Nine
Her eyes widened when she spotted Cullen off to the side with the same angry, worried look that the daddies had on their faces. What was he doing here?
“Girls,” Travis said. “Get the hell out of the ditch now.”
When they didn’t move, Eli said. “Do you know how many bugs are down there?”
The girls screamed and rushed to get out of the ditch.
“Get them off,” Sienna yelled as she frantically ran around, sweeping her hand down her arms and dress.
Kane sighed, finally grabbed her, and helped get the grass and bugs off.
Hannah stood and stared as all the daddies made sure their littles were okay. It was times like this when it hurt to be alone.
She felt someone behind her start running their hands down her back and legs, and she looked at Cullen over her shoulder. “What are you doing here?”
“I was with Cason when he got the call. You were trying to learn how to drive again, weren’t you?”
She got mad when he told her she’d never do it again. Who did he think he was?
“That didn’t answer my question. Why are you here?”
He turned her to face him and started getting the grass off her chest and then lower.
“I came when I heard you were involved in the accident,” Cullen said.
“That doesn’t answer my question,” she said. She turned to see the men walk out in the field to see if any damage had been done to the car they got stuck.
She turned toward her friends, who stood in a circle watching the men, and took a step their way.
Cullen grabbed her arm to stop her. “Wait, baby, I’m not done cleaning you off.”
“But I’m okay,” she said.
“Really? You don’t want me to get the spider off your back?”
She screamed and started jumping. “Get it off, get it off, get it off.”
He chuckled, brushed off the rest of the debris on her, and curled his hand around her upper arm.
“Let’s go. We’ll ride with Kane and Sienna. We’ve got things to talk about.”
“No, we need to have our talk now. I’m not going to wait another minute.”
He got her into the car, and she moved to the other side.
She tried to smile when Sienna looked over the back of the front seat.
“How are you doing?” Sienna asked.
Hannah nodded. “How about you?”