Page 11 of Daddy's Little Bird (Daddy 24)
“Oh, wow, there is so much to learn.”
“Yeah, but once you do, you’ll never forget.”
Hannah put the car in drive.
“Now, slowly lift your foot off the brake,” Nia said. “You’re doing great.”
Hannah smiled. It quickly turned to fear when the car slowly started moving forward.
“Why is it doing that? I don’t have my foot on the pedal that makes it go.”
“It’s like a kitten,” Nia said. “If you’re holding it, it can’t go anywhere, right?”
“Unless it scratches you,” Sienna said.
Nia scowled at her. “Stop it, Sienna. She’s already nervous.”
Nia turned to see they’d moved forward and were slowly headed for the ditch.
“Hannah, put your foot on the brake.”
Hannah looked under the steering wheel. “I forgot which one it is.”
“It’s the fat one to your left.”
“Oh, got it.” They all screamed when the car shot forward. Fortunately, they were at a spot where she could drive into a field.
“Stop!” Nia yelled.
Hannah was struggling with the pedals and wheel. “I’m trying,” she said.
Nia leaned forward and turned the key, and the car slowly rolled to a stop. She helped Hannah put the car in park, and then everyone sighed in relief.
“Okay, it was a good first try,” Nia said.
Sienna snorted from the back. “She never technically drove.”
Hannah sighed. “I’m never going to be able to learn, am I?”
Nia grabbed her hand. “It might take time. It did with me. Don’t give up.”
Hannah nodded.
“Let’s trade so I can get us back before the daddies know. We’ll try this again another day.”
Hannah buckled her seatbelt and watched Nia carefully. She was amazed at the woman’s skill. “Hey, maybe you can teach me how to shoot,” Hannah said.
The girls in the backseat agreed.
“That will be fun,” Nia said as she turned the car around. They got five feet from the road when the front tire dropped into a hole, making all the girls scream.
“Oh, my God, what happened?” Lacey asked.
“It’s nothing,” Nia said. “I can get us out.”
Hannah watched Nia push down on the pedal and made the car go backward. The engine sounded like it was going to explode. She tried rocking the car back and forth, but they seemed to go farther down in the hole.