Page 89 of Reign of Freedom (Corium University Trilogy)
She answers by popping another pill and washing it down with what’s left of the melted ice in her takeout cup from dinner last night.
I have no doubt Nic cleaned things up efficiently, but I can’t help wondering if word has gotten around about the men who went missing after visiting Ralph’s. Something tells me I shouldn’t make a habit of visiting in the future. With that in mind, it’s a relief to board the helicopter.
I have no idea what I’m heading into, but at least Aspen wants to speak to me. I didn’t think she’d reach out this soon.
Is that a good thing? Or maybe it only took her a couple of days to decide I’m not worth building a relationship with. That’s just as possible.
“You look worried,” Delilah observes as we take off.
“I’m not,” I lie and take hold of her hand, wanting to reassure her, “stop worrying so much about me.”
She frowns. “I wish it was that easy.”
For her sake, I wish it was, as well. Once she finds out about Charlotte and Aspen, she’ll understand what a waste of time I am.
Maybe that’s why I don’t want to tell her yet. I don’t want to see the look in her eyes when she finds out I’m a complete coward.
Along the way, I text Aspen as promised.
Me: On my way.
Again, she reads the message but offers no response. Anger clouds my judgment. How it’s going to be. I can only imagine what she has in store for me once I arrive.
As it turns out, she isn’t my primary concern as the helicopter begins its descent. I should have known he’d be waiting. He is probably telling himself he’s making sure I do the right thing. When Delilah spots Xander waiting near the helipad, my hackles rise.
“He’s not going to do anything to me, is he?”
The anxiety written on her face when she turns to me, searching for reassurance, is enough to make me wish he was one of those men in the alley. He’s hurt her much worse than a single punch to the head ever could.
“I won’t let him do anything to you. You have my word on that, always.” I reach for her hand and wrap my fingers around it, squeezing tight. “Don’t let him intimidate you. Yes, he’s powerful and dangerous, but I promise you, I won’t let him do anything to you.”
She offers a brave if shaky smile. “Easier said than done.”
Yes, I can see how that would be true. And it’s more of a reason than ever to hate him.
“So you saw fit to finally return.” There’s Xander in a nutshell.
Always stating the obvious. Ren stands a few steps behind him, his expression unreadable, his hands shoved deep into his pockets. I want more than anything to demand he tell me the truth about why he helped Delilah follow me, but I’ll bide my time. I don’t want to appear too eager.
Xander makes no effort to conceal his disdain for her, sneering when I help her descend from the helicopter. “And you. You would do better to return to your room, where you should have been all along.”
I have to bite my tongue before I remind him I’m headmaster of Corium. I don’t want her to see us argue like that. Besides, I’m sure every moment she spends in his presence is torture.
Ren steps up, and now I understand why he’s here. “Ren will escort you back to your dorm,” Xander tells her coldly.
“Wait a second.” I hold out an arm, barring her from stepping forward. “She can find her own way back to the dorm.”
“Forgive me if I don’t trust her—but then you already knew about that, didn’t you?”
Delilah places a hand on my arm, then lowers it. “I’m fine. I’ll go.” I shoot Ren the filthiest look I can manage—a slight dip of his chin tells me he gets the message, but he’s still unreadable.
What’s his play here? What’s in it for him?
“Now that we’re alone,” Xander continues as we walk toward the castle. “I’m going to tell you straight out, man to man. It’s time to get your shit together, or else you need to step down from your position. I know you’re going through a lot, but Corium needs to be your main priority. If it can’t be, then we need to consider hiring someone else.”
We step through the front doors, and I turn to him, waiting for him to meet my gaze. “I’m going to tell you this straight out, too. You can fuck off. I love my job here, and I’ll figure this shit out on my own. My main priorities at this moment are Corium and my daughter.”
I didn’t think that would hit him hard, and I was right. He only smiles wide like that was exactly what he expected.