Page 75 of Reign of Freedom (Corium University Trilogy)
I’ve never seen a smile so chilling. “Who knows? There’s a chance that might not need to happen. But I promise, you breathe a word of this, and I’ll kill you without blinking. Or do you doubt me?”
“I don’t doubt you,” I say while looking him straight in the eye. I refuse to beg for my life, especially not to him.
“Good.” He shoves me away, then wipes his hand on his thigh like I soiled him. “Get the fuck out of here and pretend you never heard or saw a thing.”
I’m so glad to be away from him that my feet start moving before I make the conscious thought to flee. I hate letting him see how freaked out I am, but pride isn’t what matters right now. It’s getting out of this in one piece.
At least I know Ren is human, after all. That he’s just as weak as I am, just for a different person. I wonder if Q really would freak out on him if he ever found out. Isn’t that kind of old school, archaic? You might be my best friend, but I’ll cut your hand off if you ever touch my sister. It seems silly.
Then again, I reason as I jump onto the elevator and hide in the corner until the doors close, nothing about these people makes any sense.
They all live by this code that seems completely outdated.
One thing is for sure. Whether or not Q will kill Ren if he finds out, Ren believes he will. It doesn’t occur to me until I reach my room that this might mean I have a little something to hold over Ren’s head.
Not that I would, but he doesn’t know that.
I have to wonder if I could use this to my advantage. Not that I would ever blackmail him or anything, but he might use this as a reason to be a little nicer to me. Maybe if he knows who’s behind my attack and the destruction of my room, he might call off whatever else they have in mind.
I can hope, can’t I?
Right now, hope is all I have.