Page 66 of Reign of Freedom (Corium University Trilogy)
Now I’ve done it.
I’m not only observing a predator. I’m trapped in the cage with him.
The worst part is I walked up to the cage myself. Nobody forced me into it. The only person I have to blame is myself.
Lucas takes me by the wrist in a flash and pins my arm behind my back. He’s breathing heavy, each burst of air hot against my face. I try to turn away from it, away from him, but he only digs his fingers into my cheeks and forces me to look at him.
“You are not the one calling the shots here, Delilah.” He hardly even sounds like himself, like somebody I’ve never met before.
Somebody unhinged, wild, and dark.
He’s capable of anything, and somehow, the only thing I can think is: would anybody hear me if I screamed?
Do I even want to?
He trails his fingers over my jaw and down my throat. My breath hitches, and he smiles. “That’s right. We both know the things that I could do to you right now. It would be effortless. It might even solve my problems. Hell, it would definitely put your mouth to better use than it’s currently being used for.”
“Let me go,” I grunt, still wiggling even though it doesn’t do me any good.
“Didn’t I already tell you once that you don’t get a say in what happens next?” He pulls my wrist a little farther up my back, and pain radiates down my arm. When I gasp, his smile widens. “I could snap your arm like a twig, and there’s nothing you could do about it. Say it. There’s nothing I can do about it.”
“There’s nothing I can do about it, Lucas.” The words taste sour in my mouth, but maybe that’s my fear.
“And if I take this.” He jams his other hand between my legs and squeezes until tears come to my eyes. “As many times as I want. As often as I want. There’s nothing you can do to stop me.Say it.”
“I can’t stop you. There’s nothing I can do,” I whisper the words, hating the way my voice sounds as they come out.
His grip tightens, and the pain intensifies, causing me to whimper. “You’re hurting me, Lucas.”
“Good, but surely not as bad as you hurt me,” he growls and continues, “I want your pain, Delilah. I want your fear, your sadness. I want it all.”
A shiver works its way down my spine.
Does he really want to hurt me?
He pushes me against the door and holds me in place with his body. His teeth graze my earlobe. “Come on. Fight me. Try to stop me.”
I don’t know what to do. My thoughts are racing, and adrenaline pulses through my veins, making it hard to think. I don’t know how I hurt him, and I don’t know how to fix this without it ending badly.
Do I give him what he wants? Will he hurt me more if I don’t try?
He squeezes my pussy again, and this time my whimper is louder. “Are you going to fight, or are you afraid?” Now both my wrists are pinned above my head, held in place by one of his hands while the other travels down my side and over my hip. He touches me like a lover, even when the rage inside his eyes resembles something like hate. His lips skim my throat, and I almost lean into his touch until I’m reminded of the monster he is when his teeth sink into my flesh.
It makes me jump and struggle purely on reflex, my body bucking until he laughs against my skin. “You can do better than that.” I raise a knee and try to make contact with his balls, but he maneuvers them out of the way before holding my legs in place with one of his. He’s that big and powerful. His presence is like a mountain, and there is no moving a mountain.
And while I struggle, I remember the dried blood all over him that night at Nic and Celia’s.
What if he did that to me? Whatever it took to make the blood flow.
“You’re disappointing me.” He lifts his head before lowering it again, his lips descend on mine, and we struggle until I open my mouth, allowing him entrance. His tongue caresses mine, and I feel his hard cock as he moves his hips, rubbing himself against me.
There must be something wrong with me because the feel of him doesn’t scare me. No, it’s more like fireworks going off in my head—and pulsing all through my body.
My pussy is hot and wet, and every thrust of his tongue makes me wetter. He wants me to fight, but all I want is to give in. To let him take what he wants because it’s what I want, too.
No matter what I’ve told myself, this is all I really want. Dread, fear? I’m too relieved to be getting what I need for any of that to even enter my thoughts.