Page 50 of Reign of Freedom (Corium University Trilogy)
I drop the book on the floor, where it lands with a loud bang. Quinton is glaring at me, his breathing heavy enough to remind me of a bull about to charge. Like the very sight of me standing anywhere close to Aspen is enough to make him crazy.
“It’s all right. We were just putting books away. Nothing to get upset about.” Aspen places her hands on his chest. He only grunts, glaring at me. “She was helping Brittney and me.”
“Right. Just like she was only being friendly before.” I hear his frustration with her, and I almost feel sorry for him for a moment. He loves her—that much is obvious. He’s a complete prick, but I do believe he wants what’s best for her, and as far as he’s concerned, I don’t fit the bill. I can’t blame him for that after what I’ve done. I wish I could go back and undo it, but then, I wish a lot of things were different.
“I don’t want you anywhere near her, got it?” He even pushes forward and gets in my face, the jerk. “Tell me you understand, Delilah.”
“Would you please stop?” Aspen hisses, tugging on his arm. “It’s not worth this big deal you’re making it out to be. She didn’t do anything to hurt me.”
“Maybe not yet, or this time. But we all know what she’s capable of.” Funny, but I’m not scared the way I used to be. Maybe I’m beyond that point. Too numb. Too tired.
“Let’s get out of here, okay? I can always come back later.” I almost feel sorry for Aspen as she steers him from the row we’re in, casting a sorrowful look my way.
He turns, his eyes blazing as they pin me in place. “You don’t belong here, and I think it’s time you realize that before someone makes you.”
Terrific. Not like I didn’t know he put Ren up to that little spectacle in the lunchroom, but I didn’t need to be proven right. I hear the two of them quietly bickering as they leave the library, their whispers fading into silence.
I finish shelving the books for lack of anything better to do, taking the historical fiction Aspen recommended before mumbling an excuse to Brittney and heading out again. I don’t belong anywhere.
There’s not a place in this school where I’m safe except in my room, and even then, there’s always the chance of somebody with a master key finding a way in. Like Lucas, though, I’m not sure if he’s the worst or least of my problems anymore. He insisted I come here. I hope he’s satisfied when they find me dead.
My eyes are turned toward the floor as I round a corner—just in time to smack straight into somebody.
“Watch where the fuck you’re going,” she snarls. I look up to find Anja glaring at me. Sure, I crashed into her, but she barely stumbled. All we’d have to do is mumble an apology and walk past each other. But nobody in this fucking place is particularly sane or reasonable.
“Sorry.” I try to sidestep her, but she mirrors my action and ends up in front of me again. This isn’t one of those situations where two people laugh it off, and one of them asks if they want to dance. That would be corny, but better than this.
“Excuse me. I have someplace to be.” I try again, and again she places herself in my way. At least nobody is around to see what I’m sure will happen next. Something snaps in me. There’s only so much a person can take, after all. She just so happens to be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
“What the fuck is your problem?” I grit out, glaring at her. “I didn’t do anything to you.”
Her eyes light up. “You’re my problem, you pathetic bitch. Haven’t you figured it out yet? Nobody fucking wants you here. You don’t belong in this school.”
“Yeah, no shit,” I fire back. “Do you think I’d stay here if I had a choice? Who would put themselves through this? I don’t want to be anywhere near you assholes.”
“Then, by all means, get the hell out.” She shoves me with both hands against my chest, and I fall back a few steps but manage to stay on my feet.
“Don’t put your fucking hands on me,” I warn.
“Um, looks like I just did. What are you going to do about it?”
I’d think they would want to stay out of my way, seeing as how they all call me a murderer and know how I killed Nathaniel. Why would anybody want to pick a fight with somebody capable of taking down a man of his size?
I don’t know, and I don’t care. I also don’t care what happens after I raise the book I’m carrying in both hands and whack her with it. She must not have figured I would strike back, so she didn’t defend herself. Her head snaps around, and she raises a hand to her lips. When she lifts her fingers, there’s blood on the tips.
Damn, it feels good. Like I took a little bit of myself back.
“You bitch!” She backhands me before I know what’s happening. My head snaps back, and pain radiates across my face. I lick my lips, the coppery tang of blood exploding against my tongue.
I’m about to drop the book, ready to beat the shit out of her when something shiny catches the light. She raises her arm, and I get a good look at the knife in her hand.
In utter shock, I watch the blade heading straight for my chest. Raising the book, I block the attack, using the momentum to bring the book down on her hand. She loses her grasp, and the knife falls to the ground between us.
Tightening my grip on the thick novel, I use it as a weapon, hitting Anja over and over again. At this moment, I’m not only beating her but I’m also beating everybody who’s ever hurt me.
“Hey! What do you two think you’re doing?” Footsteps pound our way as we both back off, flushed and guilty. It’s one of the instructors, Mr. Daniels, and he’s pissed as hell. “Don’t try to deny that you were fighting. I can see the blood on both your faces.”
He sighs, shaking his head. “You’re going to have to see the headmaster about this.”
Terrific. Just when I didn’t think the day could get any worse.