Page 19 of Reign of Freedom (Corium University Trilogy)
Nic clears his throat. He was never good at subtlety. “So what’s the plan now? You’re going to need one, and fast. It’s only a matter of time before everybody knows what happened.” I can practically hear Delilah deflating like a balloon.
“I’m working on it.” When he shoots me a dark look, I grit my teeth for the sake of the women at the table. “Unless you have ideas. Please, impress me.”
“We’re going back to my trailer today,” Delilah says without lifting her gaze from the plate. Now she eats mechanically like it’s a task she’s determined to complete before moving on to the next thing on her list. “Not my trailer. My aunt’s trailer. I want to get my things since I’m never going back there to live.”
“That’s good. I’m sure you’ll feel more like yourself when you have your own things with you.” Celia is trying. I’ll give her that much credit. She glances at her husband, and a second later, he jumps slightly like she nudged him under the table. It’s almost enough to make me laugh. Watching her get her way, knowing there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for her. She’d never take advantage—that’s not the sort of woman she is—but she knows when to pull his strings.
So he grits his teeth and plays nice when he’s entirely against the idea of us being connected in any way. “Yes, I’m sure that will do you some good.”
The firm set of Celia’s mouth tells me she isn’t exactly impressed, but I know my brother. That’s as good as it’s going to get right now.
I’m not exactly looking forward to paying a visit to some shitty trailer park, but if it makes getting her off my hands easier, so be it. I can’t have her in my world. She’s a type of danger I’ve never faced.
The kind of danger that makes me want to forget everything I know in favor of making her the center of my existence.