Page 109 of Reign of Freedom (Corium University Trilogy)
Icould get used to living like this.
The last of the light from the setting sun washes our bedroom in amber, and a sweet, cool breeze stirs the gauzy curtains at the doors leading out to the balcony of the villa Lucas rented for our vacation. I can’t believe I’m in Italy—me, who grew up in the most depressing trailer park imaginable.
Not only in Italy, which would be incredible enough, no matter where we ended up staying. But it’s like paradise, all lush rolling hills beyond the balcony and a sparkling lake that stretches out as far as the eye can see. When I sit up and look toward the balcony, I can spot a few boats dotting the water. We were out there earlier on a rented yacht, swimming and eating the freshest seafood I’ve ever tasted.
Me. On a yacht. Is this my actual life?
Is this my actual man? Lucas sits up and plants a lingering kiss on my shoulder. “We’d better hurry if we’re going to avoid all the knowing looks and whispers when we get there.”
“We were taking a nap,” I remind him with a happy grin. “After swimming all day, we were tired.” Nobody needs to know about what happened once we got back here and took a shower together… and then again once we got into bed for what was only supposed to be an hour’s rest.
He chuckles before sliding a hand under the sheet covering me. “Nobody could look at me while I’m looking at you and believe I’d only be interested in taking a nap.”
As always, my body reacts to his slightest touch. All I want is to close my eyes, lie back and let him do whatever he wants. No matter what it is, I’ll end up liking it.
Instead, I groan softly before swinging my legs over the side of the bed and forcing myself up. “Food first. Besides, Xander will send out a search party if we don’t show up on time.” If anybody told me only a few months ago that I’d someday be vacationing along with the Rossi family, I would’ve recommended they get professional help. At least we’re staying in our own villa to give us a little privacy, but we’ve spent a lot of time together. Like this afternoon, on the yacht. We generally have dinner together, too. Tonight, it’s going to be a big feast at Charlotte’s home, across the lake.
Dusk has fallen by the time we’ve washed up again and gotten dressed. We climb aboard a small boat and zip across the lake. The wind in my face and hair is delicious. I close my eyes and bask in it while leaning against Lucas, who wraps an arm around my shoulders and holds me close.
“Are you enjoying your vacation?” he asks before kissing the top of my head.
“What do you think? Though I might need a second vacation after we get home.” Not that I’m complaining. I love always having something fun to do, something exciting to see. Like when we took the train to Rome and spent a few days exploring or our upcoming visit to Venice. I can hardly wait to float along on a gondola.
I’m tired, but it’s a good tired.
We reach the dock below Charlotte’s home and climb the stairs to her courtyard. Voices float down from there, laughter. Lucas takes my hand as we approach. It’s the most natural thing in the world.
“There you are.” Charlotte shakes her head, wearing a teasing smile. “We thought we’d have to hold the meal.”
“You know I’m not the young man I used to be. All this activity is exhausting.” Lucas accepts a glass of wine, winking when Charlotte gives him a knowing look. I’ve never seen him so relaxed and happy. He’s like a different man right now.
Aspen strolls over to hug him, though we were just together a few hours ago. It’s like they’re making up for lost time. “Hope you brought your appetite. Charlotte has enough food to feed an army.” Like me, she’s tanned and glowing after days spent in the sun.
Quinton snorts before glancing at his sister, who’s sitting next to their mom and staring out over the lake. “If there’s so much extra food, we should invite those two greaseballs who kept trying to flirt with Scarlet at the market this morning.” Light, teasing laughter fills the air, but Scarlet doesn’t react. She’s more interested in watching the boats and the twinkling lights across the lake.
“Scarlet.” Q waves his hand in front of his sister’s face. “Earth to Scarlet. Come in, Scarlet.”
Her head snaps up, and her cheeks go as red as her name. “What? Jeez, can’t I sit here and enjoy the view without you waving your hand and ruining it?”
He tries to do it again, chuckling, and she slaps his hand away, wearing a smirk. I always wondered what it would be like to have a brother to pester me. My brothers never cared enough about me to bother. Now I’ve seen it for myself throughout this trip. It’s almost kind of sweet watching how protective he is of her.
But he doesn’t understand why she’s so distant and thoughtful. Why she sometimes sits by herself for hours while everybody else is busy swimming, relaxing out on the yacht, or shopping.
I can’t count the times her mom has invited her to shop, with Aspen and me encouraging her to come along. Even the few times she has, she’s been low-energy, listless. Not interested in much of anything.
I know why, and I think I’m the only person who does. The memory of her and Ren sneaking a few moments together in the hallway at Corium is still as fresh as if it happened yesterday. I’m sure it is for her, too. As upset and confused as everyone is about Ren, it’s even worse for her.
I’ve been betrayed. I’ve been left looking back on every moment I had with someone I thought cared about me, wondering what I missed and if anything about it was ever true. It’s enough to drive a girl out of her head. Enough to make her question everything she believes—about herself, about her worth.
I don’t know Scarlet very well, but I feel sorry for her.
It’s obvious she isn’t interested in my sympathy. The few times I’ve tried to let her know—quietly, secretly—that I’m here if she ever wants to vent, she’s shut me down by pretending to have no idea what I’m talking about. Either she doesn’t want to go through it, or she would rather pretend it didn’t happen. I understand how she feels but also know it’s not that easy. She can’t pretend her way out of it.
“It is beautiful, isn’t it?” Aspen joins them, sliding an arm around Q’s waist and putting herself between him and Scarlet at the same time. I doubt she knows about Scarlet and Ren, but she’s the kind of person who’s super in tune with everybody around her, sensing trouble and always wanting to jump in and help. “I could stand here and look at the lights forever, I swear.”