Page 51 of Ruins of Temptation (Corium University Trilogy)
She squeals when I land on top of her, smacking at my shoulders with both hands, bucking wildly like she wants to throw me off.
“That’s right, keep fighting,” I grunt, working at my belt and unzipping my fly. “You’re only getting me harder. That’s what you want, right? To tease me? To get me off?”
“Just stop,” she pleads. When I get back up, she blinks in obvious disbelief—then tries again to run away from me, crab-walking her way across the bed. This game is one I enjoy far more than I should. I want her to think she’s getting away, think that she’s safe, and then I want to snatch that safety right out from under her.
I easily take her by the leg again and pull her back to me while she sobs out her dismay. “You know what. I like you better with your mouth full.” She tries to turn her head away when I aim my cock at her lips but changes her mind once I take a handful of her hair and pull.
She’s not so eager this time, not like before. Now she has no choice but to take what I’m feeding her, which is all of me, until she gags with her nose smashed against my base.
“This is what happens when you push me too far.” I hold her there until her face goes bright red, then pull back just enough for her to suck a breath through her nose. “Eventually, you’ll learn not to fuck with me.”
I squeeze one of her tits, increasing the pressure until she sobs around my cock. Nice tits, too, full and firm with tiny pink nipples. “That’s just how I like it.”
Her distress makes me laugh as much as it makes me fuck her face. Harder than before. That was fun, a way to vent my anger. This? This is punishment, pure and simple. Nobody takes what I offer and throws it back at me.
For a few moments, there’s nothing but the sound of her gagging and my heavy breathing. “Good girl,” I mutter, my grip on her hair tightening. “Suck that cock. Suck it until I come. Where should I put it this time?”
I look over her body; so young, fresh, and ripe. “Maybe your ass? Or on your tits. Maybe I’ll go old-fashioned and cum all over your face.”
She’s struggling to take me, struggling to breathe, saliva dribbling down her chin, dripping onto the bedspread. “Is that how you want it?” I ask with a laugh before slamming into her again. “All over your face? I’ll see what I can do.”
She whimpers, which makes me laugh again. It also brings me close to the edge. Her humiliation, her fear, it works on me like an aphrodisiac. I’m caught up in exhilaration, a sense of power that only heightens the pleasure.
“Oh, yes,” I groan as my head falls back, and I jackhammer into her mouth. “I’m going to come. Oh, fuck.”
I pull out in time to direct my cock, and I decide at the last second to coat her tits instead of her face. They’re perfect for this like they were built for me.
“Fuck… yes, oh, fuck yes!” I paint her with it.
Ropes of cum splash onto her fair skin, rolling down the slopes of her tits and dripping over her nipples.
While she lies still. Taking it. Eyes closed, chest heaving, her chin and throat glistening with saliva. A tear rolls down the apple of her cheek and soaks into the hair fanned out under her head.
I’m spent, physically and otherwise. Wiped clean, unlike the cum-stained mess on the bed. “Next time somebody does something nice for you, don’t throw it back in their face. Maybe they didn’t teach you that in the trailer park, but you’ll learn it real fast here. Consider this your lesson.” I back away, tucking myself into my pants.
She takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Can I clean myself up, please?” Her voice is shaky like she’s holding in a sob. This is a far cry from the smart-mouthed brat she was just a few minutes ago.
“Go ahead but be quick about it.” I follow her to the bathroom door and wait while she turns the water on.
I could’ve followed her in, and I doubt she would’ve tried to stop me, but it seems I’ve gotten my point across. Besides, I don’t feel like seeing her cry, which I suspect she’s doing. That kind of thing turns me on when I’m already aroused, but right now, it would only irritate me.
A few minutes later, she emerges from the bathroom. Her head hangs low, and I grab her by the wrist and pull her in the direction of the guest room. “Come on.” We walk inside the guest room, and I release her as she sits on the edge of the bed. Confusion fills her features.
“Wait. What are you doing? We haven’t even had dinner yet. Can we at least eat?”
The locking of the door serves as my response. I have nothing more to say to her tonight. I’ll leave her with her thoughts and the reminder of the punishment inflicted.