Page 5 of Ruins of Temptation (Corium University Trilogy)
My footsteps echo down the large empty castle halls as I walk Aspen and Quinton to the meeting room. The only other sound is the rapid beating of my own heart, pushing blood through my veins at an irregular speed. My hands are shaking, and my gut feels like more acid than usual is swirling around in my stomach.
It’s been so long that it takes me a moment to recognize this foreign feeling.Fear.I’m afraid, which is a notion I am not very familiar with.
I’m never scared. I used to step into a steel cage willingly, knowing only one person would survive the fight. At first, I did it because of the money, then I did it merely for the fun of it. Yes, fun.
So why do I feel afraid now? Maybe it’s the fact that it’s not my life in danger. It’s the girl walking a few steps behind me. The girl I didn’t know was my daughter until earlier this morning.
My daughter. Fuck.
I still can’t wrap my mind around it. Me, a father. To Aspen of all people. Guilt swirls into my fear, making the useless thing in my chest ache. I can’t be a father; a father is supposed to love his child, which is something I’m incapable of.
The only thing I can give her now is protection. No matter the outcome of this meeting, I will not let her die.
As we get closer to the room, I shove all those pesky feelings, doubts, and fears deep down and put my well-rehearsed game face on. I won’t let her die either way, but the best-case scenario would be a unanimous vote. So for now, that’s what we are going for.
We enter the meeting room a moment later. In the center of the space sits a giant oval table that looks like it’s been a part of the castle since it was first built. Around the table are all the founding members, including Xander and my brother, Nic. Also here are our friends, Julian Moretti, Lucian Black, Adrian Doubeck, Enzo King, and Dr. Lauren.
Alessio Bianchi is a wild card for me, but hopefully, Quinton got through to him, like he said. Nathaniel Brookshire and Katharina Ivanov are no friends by any means, but at least Katharina agreed to vote in our favor. Now we only have to convince the Brookshire prick to do the same.
Nic’s eyes find mine immediately, searching for any kind of hesitation. As always, he is the concerned older brother. I guess that will never change. He is the only other person who knows about Aspen, though I think Xander probably knows as well. At least that’s the feeling I got at the wedding earlier.
Looking around the table, I find Brookshire staring daggers through Aspen, and his beady eyes only narrow further once I open my mouth.
“Take a seat,” I order, and we all sit down at the end of the table. “As requested, you may ask any questions now.”
“So it’s true. You did marry? Is that why you killed my son? Did you think you’d simply get away with it because you are a Rossi?”
“I killed him because he attacked me.”
“Sure, he did, and do you have any proof of that?”
“Her word is enough proof,” Quinton interjects. “Nash had been trying to get to her for months, and he knew she was under my protection. There was no reason for him to be in her apartment.”
“Maybe she invited him? Who knows, with how many guys she slept with behind your back.”
Quinton looks ready to slam Nathaniel’s face into the edge of the table, which I wouldn’t mind seeing myself.
Unsurprisingly, Aspen speaks up for herself. “I didn’t invite Nash in. As a matter of fact, I asked him to leave. I told him to stay away from me multiple times. He wouldn’t. Then he admitted to drugging me. He gave me a drug that led me to have a miscarriage.”
Brookshire shakes his head. “You are lying. Many words and no proof.”
“She is telling the truth. I examined Aspen myself,” Dr. Lauren announces.
“I also had my personal doctor examine her right after the attack, and he agreed. Furthermore, we have a video taken with Nash’s phone that proves he was there when Aspen was attacked. All of that leads me to believe it was your son who killed my grandchild.”
For the first time since we entered this room, Nathaniel looks a little pale. Xander’s comment seems to have ruffled his feathers. “Those are all speculation, and even if there was some truth to that, Corium rules are clear. No death to any student can take place on school grounds.”
“Of course, you are right,” Xander offers. “But these are very special circumstances, and of course, we would offer your family something as a gesture of goodwill.”
“Did you make that same offer to the Valentine family? Is that why they are all dead? They wouldn’t take your deal?”
“We are here to discuss Aspen. The Valentines have nothing to do with this.”
Nathaniel’s eyes become slits as he glares at me with nothing but hostility. “Sure, they don’t. I wonder if the rest of Corium agrees with that. Not to mention everyone we work with.” He turns back toward Xander. “Your family might be powerful, but there is an end to your reach, you know.”
“Are you threatening me?” Xander raises an eyebrow.