Page 14 of Drop Dead Queen (Corium University Trilogy)
Another sleepless night, another morning full of doubts. I do not know what to do. Should I wake Aspen up so we can head out as soon as the sun rises, or should we camp out here until someone comes to find us?
Surely Lucas has noticed what I did by now. He might have had no qualms about leaving Aspen out here on her own, but there is no way in hell he is not sending search troops after me.
The fire I built last night died a few hours ago, but this little cabin is surprisingly insulated, and the cold is not unbearable yet. Aspen is curled up on top of me, with her cheek against my chest, still sleeping like a baby. Part of me always yearned to have a normal sleep schedule, to just lie down and turn it all off for a few hours. On the other hand, if I were sleeping right now, I couldn’t watch Aspen.
I decide to let her sleep until she wakes up on her own. Staying here another night should be safer. Plus, I’m already sore from carrying her all day yesterday. If we’re still not found tomorrow, we’ll try again to make it back to Corium.
My gaze is glued to her face, taking in every inch, every freckle, and every scratch marring her skin from the accident. None of them should leave scars, but even if they did, none of it would deter from her beauty.
Her eyes are moving under her eyelids, and I wonder what she’s dreaming about? Her lips twitch as if a smile is trying to escape, so it must be something pleasant. Maybe she’s dreaming about how I made her come last night.
Damnit, now I’m thinking about it.
My dick is already hard, and the thought of fucking Aspen last night is not helping. I shift, trying to move my hard-on around, when Aspen’s eyes blink open.
“Did you hear me thinking?” I ask.
“No, but I felt something poking me.” Aspen yawns, looking fucking adorable.
“Can’t help it.” I shrug. “Morning wood.”
Lifting her head, Aspen looks around the cabin and at the door. “What time is it? Shouldn’t we be heading out?”
“I think it’s better we wait here. I’m sure someone is going to find us soon.” At least, I hope so.
“Okay… do you want me to get off you?”
“No, you’re keeping me warm.”
Aspen nods before laying her head back down and cuddling into me more.
“Can I ask you something?” she says after a while.
“Sure, but I might not answer.”
“I don’t care if you don’t answer. I’d rather you not say anything than lie to me.”
“What if you don’t like the truth?”
“I can deal with the truth, no matter how much it hurts, but I can’t handle lies.”
“That’s fair.”
“Why did you ask me all those questions about Brittney?”
I suck in a deep breath, inflating my lungs slowly, then huffing out a loud sigh. I don’t particularly want to tell her, but at this point, I might as well.
“Apparently, your friend is one of the best hackers around. I needed her to do something for me.”
“Needed? As in, you got her to do it? Or you found another way?”
“As in, I might have blackmailed her into helping me,” I confess.
“You did what?” Aspen’s head pops up, and her eyes turn into daggers, ready to stab me.