Page 10 of Hitman
“You’re early today. Is everything okay?” she asks when I release her reluctantly.
“Yes, just wanted to see you. You know, spend some more time with you. I don’t have to work until later tonight.”
“I wish you wouldn’t work at a bar. It’s not safe for a beautiful woman like yourself.”
It’s not the first time she has voiced her concerns, but they were always invalid. Lucian treats his staff well and never forces anyone to do something they don’t want to. I always felt protected there… until now.
“I’m fine, I promise.” I hate lying to her, but I can’t stand her worrying sick, and I really need the money, which is another thing I’m lying to her about. She has no idea how expensive this place really is, and I’m going to keep it this way. She wouldn't be okay with me spending nine hundred dollars a week on this place. On the other hand, I would pay even more to ensure she’s taken care of the way she deserves.
“Are you sure, dear? You look a bit pale—”
“Why don’t we take a walk through the garden?” I cut her off, trying desperately to distract her.
“Are you sure?” she asks, inspecting my face like she is trying to solve a puzzle. “I guess some fresh air would be nice.”
“Great.” I clap my hands together in fake excitement before starting to push Grams out the door and down the hall.
Passing the staircase, I head to the elevators and push the call button. The door slides open with a ping, and I am left staring into the small space ahead of me. My stomach is in knots. I hate this part.
Without actually going into the elevator, I extend my arms to push my grandma inside to where she can reach the buttons.
“I’ll meet you downstairs.” Luckily, I don’t have to explain myself. This is the way we do it every time. I help her into the elevator, and then I’ll take the stairs. My fear of confined spaces is simply too strong, and she understands that, knowing exactly why I’m this way.
By the time I get downstairs, she has already arrived and is wheeling herself out. I meet her in the foyer and take over pushing so she can relax.
We walk through the garden for a long time. She tells me about dinner and the show the center put on for the seniors last night. Then she goes on about the book she’s been reading, and in return, I tell her about the one I recently picked up from the library.
We grab some lunch and drink coffee on the terrace after. Everything around me, all worry and fear, just disappears when I’m with her. That’s why I’m not surprised when I suddenly realize it’s getting dark outside.
“Shit, I’m gonna miss the bus if I don’t leave like… now. Ugh, sorry, Grams. I have to rush out.”
“Don’t worry, hun. Thanks for spending the day with me.”
I give her one last kiss on the cheek before I dash out the door and down the stairs. I make it around the corner just in time to see the bus take off without me in it.
Frustrated, I grab the handle on my purse tighter as if strangling the fake leather will resolve all my problems. I could call a cab, but I’ve just caught up with all the bills for the first time in months. I can’t start spending cash to fix my own carelessness.
Thankfully, I chose my comfortable sneakers this morning. I march down the sidewalk while keeping a fast pace. The sun is almost down all the way now, the streetlights providing most of the light. The air turns frigid swiftly, and I wrap my arms around myself as I walk.
It isn’t long before I regret my choice. Every sound I hear startles me, every car passing by causes my pulse to spike, and every dark corner I see freaks me out a little more.
I tell myself it’s all in my head… until it’s not.
Everything happens so fast. Cruel hands come out of nowhere. Meaty fingers dig into my skin with bruising force as two men drag me into an alley.
I open my mouth to scream, but before any sound comes out, a large hand covers my mouth. The smell of dirt, urine, and cheap alcohol fills my nostrils. A combination that has bile rise in my throat.
“Who do we have here?” One of my attackers chuckles. “Walking around the city all alone after dark. You’re basically asking to have your cunt filled.”
“And the ass.” The other guy grins, showing off half of his front teeth missing. “Don’t forget the ass, Chuck.”
One of them forcefully grabs a handful of my breast while another kneads my butt cheek through my thin dress. I flail my arms and kick my leg out, earning me a slap in the face. My cheek stings, and tears start to run down my face as I desperately try to fight these two men off.
“We’re going to have so much fun with you—” His words are cut off as his body is flung backward as though he weighs hardly anything. A dark figure appears in front of us, his face nothing but a mask of fury, almost unrecognizable… almost.
The guy behind me releases his hold on me, and I stumble away from the three men.
“Hey, man, we don’t want any trouble with you people.” One of my assailants holds up his hands in surrender.
“Shut up,” A growls at him, like I imagine a feral animal would at his prey.
“We didn’t know she was—” He chokes on his words when he catches sight of the murderous look in A’s eyes.
Fuck, fuck, fuck… the word runs on replay through my mind. Fuck, he’s going to kill them. And he’s not going to let me walk away. At that exact moment, I know my life is over.
I’m going to die.