Page 6 of Hard Times
“Fuck her already so we can dump her body halfway home.”
I can feel the blood drain from my face as panic sets in. I look up at Hunter’s face, only seeing the outline of his sharp jaw at this angle. Turning to Ryker, I find him staring directly at me. His hands haven’t stopped moving, his touch is so gentle, but his glare is anything but. He looks unhinged, like he is on the edge of losing it, and that scares me more than I can explain.
“She is coming home with us,” Hunter tells the guy up front, without sparing me a glance.
“You sure? She is big trouble, man. Not worth it. I can get you a girl to fuck. Let’s dump her into the river we’re about to pass.”
My entire body shakes. They’re going to kill me. They killed Jeff, and now it’s my turn.I’m as good as dead.
Ryker leans forward, pulling a gun from his waistband. He shoves the barrel against the head of the guy driving.
“He said, we’re taking her home. Are you deaf, Link?”
I’m about to pee my pants from fear, and I’m not even the one with the gun against the side of my head. The guy who’s name is Link, only chuckles.
“As crazy as ever. Fuck. Ryk, I missed your stupid ass. Now get that thing out of my face before I stomp your guts out.” He swats away the gun, like it’s an annoying bug. “Keep your pet, but if she becomes an issue, I’ll put her down myself.”
Hunter runs his hand over my forehead. “She’ll behave. Won’t you, Annie?”
I nod my head, not able to form words at the moment.
“Why don’t you close your eyes, sugar,” Ryker coos, “Relax. Take a little nap. It’s been a long day.”
I’m fairly certain he only wants me to close my eyes so I won’t be able to see where we are going. Regardless of his intentions, I let my eyes fall shut. My head is pounding, and the light is making it worse.
“My head hurts,” I whine, not sure why I even said it or if anyone heard me. If they did, no one cares. Why would they if they’re going to kill me anyway?
With my eyes closed and their fingers massaging me lightly, it’s hard to stay awake. I try as long as I can, but I lose the battle.
The only hope I have is that I get a chance to wake up.