Page 60 of The Hate Vow
My eyes blink open, and I take in the unfamiliar room. It only takes a moment before last night’s events come rushing back to me.
Ryder is lying next to me, the thin blanket draped over his lower half, while his broad chest is on full display. I have the urge to scoot closer, to cuddle into his side, to run my hand over his bare chest and pepper kisses all over his skin.
Admiring his physique, I recollect what we did last night… how he fucked me rougher than I thought I could ever handle. I didn’t lie; I trusted him completely, letting go of my fears. I would have let him do whatever he wanted because I know he won’t go too far. He won’t hurt me, won’t push me over the edge.
I gave myself to him, and in return, he gave me the most mind-blowing orgasm.Jesus, I literally passed out after.
“I can hear you thinking,” he murmurs without opening his eyes.
“What did you hear?” I question curiously.
“You’re thinking about how good I look right now.” He grins, and I almost swat his arm.
This is new. This playful side of him. The comfort I feel around him.
“You’re not too far off, actually.” At my answer, his eyes pop open, his eyebrows raising with it, giving me a questionable look.
“Continue,” he prompts in a teasing tone.
“I was thinking about touching you. Maybe kissing you,” I whisper the last part, suddenly feeling vulnerable.
“I don’t know if that would be wise. Touching would lead to fucking, and I’m sure you’re a little sore this morning.”
Swallowing hard, I press my thighs together. The movement confirms that I am, in fact, sore. It’s not a terrible pain, more like a dull ache. It’s something I am willing to deal with again just to feel the way I did last night.
“Um, yeah. I am sore, but not in a bad way. Not like my ribs after someone punched me in the stomach. More of a muscle sore after a workout. You can feel it, but it’s not quite painful, more like an uncomfortable reminder of what you did last night.”
“That’s what I thought.” Ryder throws the blanket off his naked body and stands up to stretch his back. I watch his muscles flex and feel my core warming despite my thoughts just moments ago. Why does he have to have this effect on me?
“What’s going to happen now?” I ask, trying to distract myself. Clinging to the blanket, I pull it up, covering my hardened nipples.
“I don’t know. We can’t stay here, though.” He runs his hands through his hair. “Let’s go get some breakfast. I need some brain fuel before I can think.”
“Do I have time for a quick shower?”
“Sure.” He nods and watches me get up.
Even after all this time, it’s weird having Ryder looking at me the way he does when I’m naked. He takes in my exposed form like I’m a piece of art, like I’m an expensive meal at a five-star restaurant. One he wants to devour.
I walk past him and into the bathroom. Ryder follows me quietly, standing behind me as I turn on the water.
Holding my hand under the spray, I wait until it gets hot, then step under it. With a smirk on his face, Ryder gets in behind me.
Just like last time, he washes me from head to toe. In return, I do the same for him.
We rinse off and dry ourselves with the thin motel towels.
I hate getting dressed in my clothes from yesterday, but I don’t have much of a choice.
After we’re both fully clothed, we leave the motel room, and Ryder drives us to a small diner on the outskirts of town.
The diner is pretty packed, which is probably due to it being Sunday morning. Like everywhere we go together, Ryder gets dirty looks. Hushed voices surround us as we sit down in a booth furthest away from the entrance. Ryder either doesn’t see it anymore, or he simply doesn’t care.
The waitress comes to take our order shortly after we sit down. She is about my age, but her bright red hair, pierced nose, and attitude in her walk tell me we couldn’t be more different.