Page 21 of The Hate Vow
I consider what I can tell her. Not the truth. I can’t let her know how much I want her, and I need something to hold over her head.
“You might have to. I’m getting bored with you, and you have to pay off your debt somehow,” I lie. I don’t think I’ll ever get bored with her body.
“Please, I’ll pay you back another way. Please, don’t let them,” she keeps begging me. She is scared, I think more scared than she has ever been of me, and I can’t help but wonder if I just found the key. Maybe if I push her a little harder, she will break, and the old Penny will come out to play.
“Why wouldn’t I let someone else fuck you? Apparently, Tucker really wants some of this,” I say while pushing my finger all the way in. “Two more guys at the club have been asking about you. You could fuck them all at the same time.”
Her eyes go impossibly wide. “No…” Her voice is stern. Strength and resolve taking over her fright.
“You could pay off your debt faster. They’ll give you extra money if you let them fuck you together. I think you would enjoy getting double stuffed.”
I have no plans to share or let anyone else touch her, not even the guys, but I think I’m finally getting through to her. She is struggling, tugging on her restraints lightly.
“Please, Ryder, stop.” Her voice is strained, and I know she is close to the breaking point. I can see her anger winning over her fear. I just need to push her a little further. I hover over her, putting none of my body weight on her because I know that calms her down.
I whisper in her ear, “Matter of fact, I think I’m going to call them right now since you are wet and ready. The guys are going to enjoy you like this, all tied up and helpless. Plus, they can easily flip you around. Use your tight little asshole. You would like that, wouldn’t you? Being used like that. Being treated like you are nothing more than a cheap whore.”
That threat finally drives her over the edge. Her eyes look crazed, her face contorts into pure anger, and she turns into a wild fury underneath me.
“Get the fuck off of me!”
There she is.
She yanks on the handcuffs like a madwoman. Knowing that she is going to hurt herself by pulling on the metal cuffs, I straddle her torso and take the key out of the drawer. I’m barely able to hold her still enough to unlock them. I’m not sure if she even knows she is free, or knows anything for that matter. Her eyes are wild, like those of a lioness about to go in for the kill.
As soon as I’m off of her, she comes for me. Pouncing on me like a feral animal, hitting, kicking, and scratching me. Whatever comes out of her mouth aren’t words, more like primal grunts and screams.
I let her take everything out on me for a while; most of it doesn’t even hurt. A few times, she scratches me pretty good in the face. Turning my head up, I cover my face with my arm, so she can’t get me like that again.
In between her kicks and punches, one of her knees comes up and hits me on my upper thigh, a few inches away from my balls.Okay, that’s it. Too close to the jewels.
I throw my arms around her, lift her up, and let us both fall onto the bed. I flatten her out under me and have her completely immobilized in seconds. I can feel her heart beating like a jackhammer against my chest. She is trying to push me away, but she is so weak.
After a while, her wild lion roars turn into the low whimpers of a defeated house cat. Shortly after that, she goes completely quiet.
“You done?”
“Yes,” she answers, her voice raw and raspy.
I slowly get off of her. My chest is wet from her tears, and her face is red and puffy for the same reason. We stay like that, looking at each other for what seems like forever. I can’t read her expression; I just know I’ve never seen her like this, and part of me wonders if I’m going to regret antagonizing her like I did. I have this sinking feeling that whatever she just went through is going to change her state of mind.
The only question now is, will it be for the better or worse?