Page 56 of Just Believe (The Reluctant Heart 6)
“Clark, that word, love, is something we didn’t grow up around. It might as well have been a foreign language. We were taught that happiness comes from success. And to a point, it does. I mean, look at your brothers. We all strive and compete harder than many of our peers.”
“Which is a good thing,” I stated. “Unless you’re about to tell me that making money is the root of all evil, because then I am going to offer to take all yours for you.”
He snorted. “Good luck fucking trying.”
“Your business is just as important to you as mine is to me,” I shot accusingly. I wanted to call him out on that. I’d seen him in action lately. Jerry hasn’t turned into a fluffy teddy bear.He’s just as cutthroat he’s always been.
“It is. And now since I have my own family to think about, it’s become even more important,” Jerry stated. “That’s what I was trying to say. Business becomes the means to taking care of your family. You work hard to pass it down to your children one day.”
“My legacy. I get it.”
“I want you to have what I have, what our brothers have. It’s fun being free to come and go as you want, with no one to answer to. But don’t you wish that there was someone at home who cared that you made it home safely? Hell, I’m thankful every time Reanna calls me at the office and tells me dinner is in the oven. She’s not calling because she wants to feed me. She’s letting me know she’s thinking of me, wants me with her. And nothing feels better than that.”
Two years ago, Jerry would’ve been having a totally different talk with me. He used to feel the same way I did. And it was that dumb word again, love, that had fucked it all up. Now when they wanted to talk to me about something serious, it was all feelings and emotions, and not the next big business deal.
You’re all worse than Mother.
“Thank you for this twenty-minute lecture on life. I don’t know what I’d have done without it. It’s not like I’m a grown-ass man at work trying to run his business,” I snarled.
“And I’m your big brother who is thankful I had someone straighten my ass out before it was too late. If not, I wouldn’t be with Reanna now. Trust me when I say I’d never have forgiven myself if I lost her because I was too stubborn to see what was right in front of me,” he said.
Reanna’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you.
That’s how I felt about PJ. Fuck. I should’ve told her last night. Even though I tried to show her how I felt, sometimes the words were just as important.
I hated to admit it, but Jerry was right. I needed to grow a set. Hopping on the jet and flying back to Orlando wasn’t the answer, either. I needed to do something special, something romantic. Something she’d never forget.
New Orleans had been great, but this had to be bigger. It had to represent how I feel. Guess I’d better plan a trip to the moon, but even that’s not enough.
Pressing the intercom for my personal assistant, I said, “Maria, cancel my appointments for the day.”
“Yes, sir. Is there anything else you require?”
A book on romance.
“No. And do not book anything else for me until further notice.”
“Will you be traveling again?” she asked.
“Yes. But no dates yet.”
There was a lot of planning to do before I hopped on the jet. Sorry PJ, you’re just going to have to wait a little longer. But I promise, it will be worth it.
I pulled up a picture of us on my phone. It was the only selfie I had ever taken, at the club right before I asked her to dance. Her smile shined in her eyes. It wasn’t just the band that she loved so much. It was…us.
I’ll never grow tired of seeing that look in your eyes. I just hope I’m the one who can put it there forever.