Page 39 of Just Believe (The Reluctant Heart 6)
Chapter Twelve
It felt good to wake up beside Clark. I thought for sure that when I lifted the covers he would wake, but he continued dozing peacefully. That surprised me, because he didn’t strike me as someone who would relax, and maybe sleep with one eye open. He did use a lot of energy last night. Even now, my limbs felt like heavy weights. It was so tempting to close my eyes and snuggle back up against him. But I’m a woman of my word. I had promised him breakfast, so I might as well let him sleep and hold up my end of the deal.
When I reached the kitchen, I started to panic. I had almost nothing to eat, and barely any ingredients. I hadn’t been shopping since I returned from New Hampshire. I had meant to ask Crystal if she could pick me up a few things, but my flight arrived so late already, I didn’t want to trouble her.
Great. I don’t even have milk for cereal.
The grocery store was just down the street. It wouldn’t take me long to dash out for a few items, at least enough to cook him breakfast. I could always do a full shopping later.
I peeked back into the bedroom and Clark was snoring softly. Grabbing some clothes and my wallet, I slipped into the bathroom to get dressed. Mentally I made a list of what I would need. Eggs. Bacon. Bread. Milk. Juice. Creamer.
In the store, my eyes roamed over the aisles and my list grew. I had seen how much he ate for breakfast at that diner. There was no way a bowl of fruity cereal would fill him up - I would need potatoes to make hash browns.
Before long, I had a shopping cart filled with enough food to feed Clark this morning, and possibly to hold him captive for the week. I knew that wasn’t going to happen, but I hoped he would stay a few days. Last night was amazing, and I craved more. But we hadn’t spoken very much.
Oh, baby. More. Harder. Faster.
That’s not talking. That’s begging.
“Phillie? What are you doing here so early?” Joey’s voice said from somewhere behind me.
God, don’t call me that in public.I’m not a kid anymore. I have no idea why he couldn’t accept that since he’s dating my best friend who is my age.
I hadn’t realized my brother was back in Orlando. With his job, he traveled frequently, and we never knew where.
Turning around, I didn’t have to force a smile. I was happy to see him home and safe. I noticed he was alone, so I took my opening and ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.
“Wow. Why such a warm greeting?” he asked.
“I’ve missed you,” I said.
He laughed. “I don’t live that far. All you need to do is stop in for a visit.”
“You’ve been gone,” I reminded him.
Joey raised a brow. “Funny, but I recall you being the one who went to New Hampshire. I’ve been home in Orlando.”
“You have?” How was it that I didn’t know that? I thought back to when Crystal picked me up at the airport. Shit. She did say you were waiting for her. “Guess I’ve been a bit…distracted.”
“And hungry, too. Is there something you need to tell me?” he asked.
Apparently, Crystal hadn’t told Joey that Clark was in town. I’m glad she still kept our friendship precious and didn’t leak my secrets.
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about,” I said.
Joey leaned over and said, “You’re shopping like you’re eating for two.”
Damn it. Nothing ever slipped by Joey. Good thing, because his job required attention to detail.
“I am, but I’d appreciate it if you don’t say anything to Mom and Dad. You know how they are. Mom will be asking a lot of questions I don’t have answers for right now.”
“Does Crystal know?” he asked.
Awkward.I needed to dance around that response. “She’s my best friend. What do you think?”
He nodded, kissed me on the check and said, “Call me if you need me. I’m always here for you.”